4.4.22 Time Series PivotTime-Series-Pivot
Origin supports Time Series Pivot tool to create a pivot table to visualize data summarization (of statistics) based on a date-time column
- Select Restructure : Time Series Pivot... menu;
- Run
wtspivot -d; in Script Window or Command Window.
This tool utilizes the Wtspivot X-Function.
Specify the Recalculate Mode.
Source Time
Select one column with date/time dataset
Source Data
Select the dataset(s) will be aggregated in the result sheet.
Aggregation Interval
Specify the aggregation interval of time in the rows of the pivot table. This time interval is shown in first column of the pivot table.
You can select this options in this drop-down list:

Time Period
Specify the time group of the aggregation interval.
According to the selected Aggregation Interval, you can select the corresponding time period.
- When Year is selected as Aggregation Interval, you can select 10yr:Decade as Time Period.
- When 3 Month: Quarter, Month, Week or Day is selected as the Aggregation Interval, you can select Year as Time Period.
- When Week or Day is selected as Aggregation Interval, you can select Month as Time Period.
- When Day or Hour is selected as Aggregation Interval, you can select Week as Time Period.
- When 30 min, 15min or Minute is selected as Aggregation Interval, you can select Day or Hour as Time Period.
Remove Empty
Check this check box to remove the empty rows.
Start / End
Enter the start or end time of the rows of the pivot table. The time format of the Start and End is based on the selected Aggregation Interval. You can refer to the blue hint showing above this edit box. If keeps the edit box empty, the start or end time is default time of the table.
Custom Format
Custom the time format showing in the first column except some combinations of Aggregation Interval and Time Period.
For example: when Aggregation Interval=Month and Time Period=Year, this the format can not be customized.
Aggregation Interval
Specify the aggregation interval of time in the columns of the pivot table. This time interval is shown in Comment label row of the pivot table.
You can select this options in this drop-down list:

Time Period
Specify the time group of the aggregation interval.
According to the selected Aggregation Interval, you can select the corresponding time period.
- When Year is selected as Aggregation Interval, you can select 10yr:Decade as Time Period.
- When 3 Month: Quarter, Month, Week or Day is selected as the Aggregation Interval, you can select Year as Time Period.
- When Week or Day is selected as Aggregation Interval, you can select Month as Time Period.
- When Day or Hour is selected as Aggregation Interval, you can select Week as Time Period.
- When 30 min, 15min or Minute is selected as Aggregation Interval, you can select Day or Hour as Time Period.
Remove Empty
Check this check box to remove the empty columns.
Start / End
Enter the start or end time of the columns of the pivot table. The time format of the Start and End is based on the selected Aggregation Interval. You can refer to the blue hint showing above this edit box. If keeps the edit box empty, the start or end time is default time of the table.
Custom Format
Custom the time format showing in the Comment label row except some combinations of Aggregation Interval and Time Period.
For example: when Aggregation Interval=Month and Time Period=Year, this the format can not be customized.
Date/Time Window
Specify the date/time range to control the source date range that used to be aggregated.
Aggregate by
Select the aggregation method to summarize the Source Data, including
Available only when Aggregate by is set to Custom. Specify the summarized method in the combo edit box. The triangle button next to the edit box provides some frequently-used statistics quantities. You can mix them and construct your own summarized method. You also can add all methods or reset the selection by this menu.
Show Zeros when Empty
Specify whether to show missing values in the pivot table as zeros.
Specify where to output the result time series pivot table tsPivot. Click the triangle button to specify output method.
[<input>]<input>: Input the time series pivot table into the current worksheet.
<new>: Put time series pivot table into a new sheet of the current workbook.
[<new>]<new>: Put time series pivot table into a new workbook.