The (Options) Axis TabOptions-Dialog-Axis-Tab
Settings on this tab control various graph axis format options.
Max. Number of Ticks Group
Numeric Scales
The Numeric Scales combination box value determines the maximum number of major ticks that can be displayed in a graph window when Numeric is selected from the Type drop-down list on the Tick Labels tab of the Axis dialog box.
If the # Major Ticks radio button is selected on the Scale tab of the Axis dialog box and the value in the associated text box exceeds the Numeric Scales combination box value, then Origin displays a maximum of six major ticks in the graph window.
Text/Date Time Scales
The Text/Date Time Scales combination box value determines the maximum number of major ticks that can be displayed in a graph window when Text from Dataset, Time, Date, Month, or Day of Week is selected from the Type drop-down list on the Tick Labels tab of the Axis dialog box. The default value is 400.
If the amount of major ticks exceeds the Text/Date Time Scales combination box value, then Origin displays a maximum of six major ticks in the graph window.
(affected when the Type of Major Ticks is set to By Increment or By Counts on the Scale tab of the Axis dialog box.)
Note: When the Type of Major Ticks is set to By Dataset, the Maxinum number the major ticks will be affected by @ATDM and @ATDS, instead of this control.
Distance from Tick Labels (%) Group
To Inside Ticks
Type or select the default distance of an "inside tick" from the tick label, in a percentage of the tick length.
To Outside Ticks
Type or select the default distance of an "outside tick" from the tick label, in a percentage of the tick length.
To Axis Title
Type or select the default distance of the axis title from the tick label, in a percentage of the tick length.
Tick Labels Display
Zero is '0'
Always display the zero point label on the axis scale as '0', overriding other format options (e.g. Set Decimal Places = 2).
Please note, a system variable @TLC can be used to control this option.
No Trailing Zero
Always remove trailing zeros from axis tick labels, overriding other format options (e.g. Set Decimal Places = 2).
Please note, a system variable @TLC can be used to control this option.
Display 1 and 10 as 10^n for Scientific :10^3 Format
Check this check box to display 1 and 10 as 10^n when the Display item of Tick Labels has been set to Scientific: 10^3.
Scientific :1x10^3 Display
Use this drop-down list to specify how to show the Scientific format(10^3) when the Display item of Tick Labels:1×10^3,1 × 10^3, 1x10^3, 1·10^3.
Note: Before Origin 2021, you can only use the check box Display 1×10^3 as 1·10^3 for Scientific :10^3 Format to show the Scientific format(10^3) as 1×10^3 or 1·10^3, just like:
Since Origin 2021, Origin supports to also show the Scientific format(10^3) as 1×10^3 or 1 × 10^3 which both contain the real multiple sign ×(Unicode x(00d7)), not character x.
Scientific: 1E3 Display as
Use this drop-down list to specify how to show the Scientific format(1E3): 1E+03, 1E+3 or 1E3. The default setting is 1E+03.
Note: You can use the system variable to change the setting for this drop-down list:
- When you set @ete to 1, the Scientific: 1E3 Display as drop-down list will be changed to 1E+3.
- When you set @sss to 0, the Scientific: 1E3 Display as drop-down list will be changed to 1E3.
Unit Display for Axis Title
To control unit display for axis title, (a) pick an option from the fly-out button, or (b) type a custom notation string directly into the edit box. The custom string can include literal text.
menu option
text box displays
axis title displays, for example ...
depends on value language version and values of system variables @LUQ and @LUQO (see Notes).
Displacement (mm)
Displacement [mm]
Displacement {mm}
Displacement /mm
Displacement -mm
in <U>:in Unit
in <U>
Displacement in mm
%(CRLF)<U>:Unit in 2nd line
Displacement mm
- Preferences sets on the Options: Axis tab will be the default. Use of system variables as described in these notes is generally only necessary when you need a temporary change of default behavior (e.g. you are generating a series of plots by script and you set a temporary value for @LUQ for the session only).
- You can use the system variable @LUQ to set unit display: -2 = custom, -1 = auto, 0 = disable, 1 = (unit), 2 = [unit], 3 = {Unit}, 4 = / Unit, 5 = - Unit, 6 = in Unit. In most case the values of @LUQ and @LUQO are the same, but in some special case, @LUQ will be translated to the real value, meanwhile another system variable, @LUQO will keep the original set value. If Unit Display for Axis Title is set to <Auto> and current language is German, @LUQ will translate to 2, meanwhile @LUQO still equal to -1.
- If you choose unit display of / <U> or - <U>, there is one space before separator by default. To trip the space, set system variable @ATSS = 0.
- To add unit as to tick labels as prefix/suffix, use options in the Tick Labels tab of Axis dialog.