The (Options) Graph Tab


Symbol Group

Symbol Border Width Combination Box

Symbol Border Width (%)

Type or select the desired value from this combination box to determine the border width of hollow or open symbols in a scatter or line+symbol data plot. Enter n to specify the width of the symbol border as n% of the symbol's half diameter.

Default Symbol Fill Color Drop-Down List

Default Symbol Fill Color

Select the fill color that displays when Automatic is selected from the Fill Color drop-down list on the Symbol tab of the Plot Details dialog box.

Line Symbol Gap (%) Combination Box

Line Symbol Gap (%)

Type or select the desired value from this combination box to determine the gap between a symbol and line in a line+symbol data plot. Enter a value n to set the line and symbol gap to n% of the symbol diameter. Enter 0 to display no gap. The maximum allowable value is 256. (Note that the Gap to Symbol check box on the Line tab of the Plot Details dialog box must be selected to display a line and symbol gap.)

Symbol Gallery Displays Characters Check Box

Symbol Gallery Displays Characters

Select this check box to display alphanumeric characters in the symbol gallery on the Symbol tab of the Plot Details dialog box.

Origin Dash Lines Group

Dash Definition

The Dash Definition drop-down list and its associated text box are used to customize the appearance of the line type specified in the Plot Details dialog box for Line, Line + Symbol and Scatter graphs. Configure the default length of the line and the space, and the size of the period, in the associated text box. For example, select Dash Dot Dot from the Dash Definition drop-down list. The default values of 18 12 5 12 5 12 display in the associated text box. These values specify that the dash is 18 units in length, the following space is 12 units in length, the following dot is 5 units in length, the following space is 12 units in length, etc. (modify these values as needed).

Origin 2022b and later: Note that in addition to these customizable, "built-in" dashed line definitions, you can define and name new dash line definitions using the Custom Dash Line dialog box that is associated with some Plot Details line style controls (e.g. Plot Details Line tab) and the properties dialog for some drawn objects (e.g. Line tab). These definitions are added to the system of the user that defines them but they are also saved with the project and, thus, can be used by others with whom you share the project.

Use Origin Dashes in Page View

When the graph is set to Page View mode (View:Page View, default mode), select this check box means the dash line in graph will be displayed as what is defined by the Dash Definition control group. But if this check box is cleared, Origin uses settings as determined by the device driver (which are not adjustable).

This check box also ensures that dashes display when zooming in Page View mode. Origin overrides Windows' controls, enabling the pixels to redraw as dashes. This does, however, cause a slight increase in the redrawn time.

Scale Dash Pattern by Line Width

Select Scale Dash Pattern by Line Width to ensure that Origin scales the length and height of a dash proportionally with the space that follows it.

Bar/Column Group

Bar Graph Show Zero Values

Select this check box to display a line at Y=0 for zero bar (or column) values in a bar (or column) graph.

Note: The option affects all graphs in Origin. If you only want to have this setting on one graph, page.BarShowZero can do the work

Log Scale Use 1 as Floor

Select the Log Scale Use 1 as Floor check box to establish Y=1 as the "floor", or Y value which alters the direction of bar (and column) graphs displayed on a logarithmic scale. This option enhances the display of logarithmic values less than one in a bar (and column) graph.


Bisection Search Points

Bisection Search Points

The value in this combination box can be used to speed up the search process when using the Data Reader tool or when double-clicking on a data plot. When you click on a data plot using the Data Reader tool, Origin begins searching for the nearest point using a sequential or bisection search. If the number of data points is less than the bisection search value, then sequential search is used. If the number of points is greater than the bisection search value, then bisection search is used. (Note that the bisection search requires a sorted X data set.)

User Defined Symbols Grid

User Defined Symbols

You can add custom symbols for use in your scatter or line + symbol plots:

Options user defined symbols.png
  • Choose an empty well and press Ctrl + V to paste from the Clipboard; or press Ctrl + F to select a file using the Open dialog box. Note that both .bmp and .svg formats are supported.
  • Symbol gallery supports monochrome or color symbols.
  • Bitmaps can be added at any size. Origin will resize the symbol in the gallery, as needed.
  • Once added to Options, user-defined symbols will show in the gallery on the Symbol tab of the Plot Details dialog box. They will also be available from the Custom Construction controls on the same tab. In addition, they will be available from other Plot Details or Mini Toolbar controls that access the symbol gallery.
  • Symbols can also be added by checking Custom Construction and clicking Add from Clipboard.

2D Anti-Aliasing Group

Determines which elements are affected by the Enable/Disable Anti-Aliasing toolbar button Button Enable Anti Aliasing.png (Graph toolbar).

Plots Check Box Check to allow anti-aliasing for 2D data plots.
Axes and Grid Lines Check Box Check to allow anti-aliasing for 2D non-Cartesian axes and grid lines.
Line Objects Check Box Check to allow anti-aliasing for line objects in 2D graphs.
Note1: 2D anti-aliasing will be turned off for all horizontal or vertical lines.

Note2: To control the anti-aliasing of 3D OpenGL graphs, go to Preferences:3D OpenGL Settings dialog.

Drag and Drop Plot Drop Down List

Drag and Drop Plot

Select the data plot type for drag and drop plotting. Select Current to use the current data plot style holder of the graph layer.

Speed mode show watermark

When Speed Mode is turned on in a graph layer, the graph layer icon displays in red and a Speed Mode is On watermark appears centered in the layer. Clear this box to turn off the display of the watermark.

Note that, in any case, the watermark only appears on-screen and is not included when printing, copying, or exporting the graph.

Note that you can toggle the Speed Mode watermark (aka "Speed Mode Banner") by clicking a page-level Mini Toolbar button.

Percentile with Averaging Check Box

Percentile with Averaging

If this check box is selected, Origin will perform interpolation for determining percentile values in statistical analyses.

If this check box is cleared, the percentile calculations will be rounded off. The percentile value will be rounded up to the next member of the data set for calculations below the 50 percentile mark, and will be rounded down for calculations above the 50 percentile mark. The percentile value for the 50 percentile mark is rounded down.

The status of this check box will affect the percentile lines drawn on statistical graphs such as box charts

Enable OLE In-place Activation Check Box

Enable OLE In-place Activation

Select this check box to activate in-place activation. In-place activation allows you to edit an Origin object that is embedded in a destination application within the window of the destination application. Origin's tools are available within the destination window.

Note: We do not recommend in-place activation as you do not have access to the worksheets containing the data plots.