The (Options) File Locations TabOptions-Dialog-FileLocation-Tab
Use these controls to specify file extension and "save" and "open" path information.
File Tracking Controls
Track File Dialog Changes
By default, Origin will keep track of the file path for Origin projects, data import files, graphic export files, and other supported file types. Thus, each time you open a new project (or export a graph to a file), the path to the last opened project file (or the path to the last graphic export file) will be selected by default in the Open (or Save As) dialog box.
To turn off file tracking for all file types, clear the Track File Dialog Changes check box.
To alter the path tracking behavior for a particular file type:
- Leave the Track File Dialog Changes check box selected.
- Select the file group from the top list box.
- Click the Edit button (top right corner). This opens the File Extension Group Defaults dialog box for the specific group.
- After customizing the settings in the dialog, click OK.
The File Extension Group Defaults dialog box
This dialog box opens when you click the Edit button in the File Tracking group. It can be used to change the path tracking behavior for a particular file type.
Displays the group of file types whose path tracking behavior is being edited by the dialog.
Open Path
The Open Path controls the file tracking when the specific file type is opened or imported.
Use the drop-down list to set the default path in the Open dialog box. Options:
- User Specified Path:
- A specified path that is displayed below. (Note that User Specified Path is the default setting. Thus, if you have already opened a file of this group, the path will display in the associated text box.)
- Project Path:
- The path of the currently open project.
- Origin exe Path:
- The Origin installation folder.
- User Files Path:
- The Origin User Files Folder.
Apply To All Groups
- If this checked, it will use the selected Open Path as the tracking path when other groups of files are opened or imported.
Save Path
The Save Path controls the file tracking when the specific file type is saved or exported. The options in the drop-down list mean the same as their counterparts in the drop-down list in the Open Path group. However, the selection in this group defines the default path in the Save dialog box. The Apply To All Groups check box specifies whether to use the selected Save Path as the tracking path when other groups of files are saved or exported.
This drop-down list lists all the file types in the current group. The selection from this drop-down list determines the default type that is listed in the Open and Save As dialog boxes for the particular group. Thus, if the current group is Image and you select Joint Photographic Experts Group (*.JPG) from the Type drop-down list, then when you export a graph by selecting File: Export Page, Joint Photographic Experts Group (*.JPG) will display by default in the Save as Type drop-down list.
ASCII File Type Controls
This list box displays the ASCII file descriptions that display in the Files of Type drop-down lists when Origin imports ASCII files by Data: Import from File menu.
Click the buttons to add/edit/delete a file description.
To add a file type, press Add. This action opens the File Extension Type dialog box. Type a string in the Description text box that will display in the Files of Type drop-down list when Origin imports ASCII files. In the Specification(s) text box, type the file specifications for the files that will display in the Look In view box when Origin imports ASCII files.
For example, suppose you have a third party program that outputs data to an ASCII formatted file. This formatted file is given a name with an extension .XYZ. You can have Origin display only these XYZ files in the import ASCII file dialog boxes by adding an ASCII File Type.
In the Description text box, you might type the name of the third party program. You might also type (*.XYZ) after the name to show what file types are associated with this third party program.
In the Specification(s) text box, you would type *.XYZ. Multiple specifications can be specified by separating them with a semicolon. Example: *.XYZ;*.XY;*.ZZ. Also, both wild cards "*" and "?" can be used.
Now when importing ASCII files by Data: Import From File menu, you can select your new file type from the Files of Type drop-down list and see only the files associated with this program in the Look In view box.
This settings is for Data: Import From File menu. If you are using Data Connector and want to customize the file extensions of CSV Connector, you can right click on CSV Connector icon in Apps Gellay and select Customize File Extensions context menu. Refer to this section of CSV Connector for details.