Origin offers multiple methods to smooth data:
- Savitzky-Golay
- Adjacent-Averaging
- FFT Filter
- Percentile Filter
- Lowess and Loess
- Binomial

The results generated from 50% Percentile Filter smoothing, useful for eliminating noise of abnormal amplitude. The Smooth tool in Origin provides several methods to remove noise, including Adjacent Averaging, Savitzky-Golay, Percentile Filter, FFT Filter, LOWESS, LOESS, and Binomial Method.
Filtering is commonly used in signal processing to filter out unwanted features and reveal components of interests.
FFT Filter
Origin supplies a FFT filter tool to select frequency components from an input signal by a specific filter type.
The following filter types are available:
- Low Pass
- Low Pass Parabolic
- High Pass
- Band Pass
- Band Block
- Threshold
IIR Filter Design PRO 
Origin supplies an Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) filter to allow users design, analyze, and implement custom IIR digital filters.
A preview wizard is provided to enable real-time visualization of specified parameters and corresponding results.
The following filtering methods are available:
- Butterworth
- Chebyshev Type I
- Chebyshev Type II
- Elliptic
2D FFT Filter PRO
Origin supplies a 2D FFT filter to select desired frequency components from 2D signals in matrices.
The filters first perform a two-dimensional fast Fourier transform (2D FFT), then apply a frequency-domain filter window, and finally perform a 2D IFFT to convert them back to the spatial domain.
The following window types are available:
- Butterworth
- Ideal
- Gaussian
- Blackman
and there are four ways to specify a cutoff:
- Fraction
- Fourier Pixel
- Wavelength
- Frequency (Hertz)