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Basic Knowledge
FAQ-360 What is the NAG library and how do I access it?
FAQ-361 What is the difference between LabTalk and Origin C?
FAQ-362 What is Code Builder?
FAQ-363 How do I change the target window to output error message?
FAQ-364 What is the command window?
FAQ-365 What are the restrictions on various object names?
FAQ-367 How do I delete every nth row or column from my worksheet?
FAQ-368 How do I modify the legend?
FAQ-369 How do I loop over various objects in my script?
FAQ-370 How do I list all script variables?
FAQ-371 Where can I find examples and help with scripting?
FAQ-372 How do I access analysis result table values from script?
FAQ-373 How do I parse out strings?
FAQ-374 What is current working folder and favorite folders?
FAQ-375 How do I create custom toolbar buttons that run my script macros?
FAQ-376 How do I delete a variable?
FAQ-377 How do I declare a variable so that it is available for an Origin session?
FAQ-378 How to declare a variable for missing value?
FAQ-379 How to get the column name, units, etc.?
FAQ-380 What is the notation for addressing data in workbooks and matrix books?
FAQ-381 How do I plot arbitrary column as x and y?
FAQ-382 Can I access Worksheet Query from script?
FAQ-383 What are system variables?
FAQ-384 How does Origin come up with appropriate Tick Labels for my data?
FAQ-385 What is Substitution Notation?
FAQ-386 How to avoid substitution in LabTalk?
FAQ-387 Is there a limit for LabTalk script length inside the brackets {} of an if, for, or loop statement?
FAQ-388 What can I do if the size of for-loop exceed limitation?
FAQ-656 How to run Origin from command line?
FAQ-660 How to calculate descriptive statistics by using LabTalk Script
FAQ-666 How to open the dialog in Origin by using LabTalk Script?
FAQ-684 How to Run a LabTalk Script?
FAQ-699 What variable names should I avoid using in LabTalk Scripts?
FAQ-705 How Do I Copy Data from One Block of Cells to Another?
FAQ-712 Why do my LabTalk scripts from version 7.x fail in version 8.x or 9.x?
FAQ-723 How to change the font size in Script Window?
FAQ-768 How can I get the fitting parameter values in nonlinear fit at each iterations?
FAQ-796 Why is my Origin Command Window so Slow to Open?
FAQ-872 Why can't I set column names in my script, e.g. using wks.addCol or wks.col.name?
FAQ-1135 Why is speed slower when loop increases?
FAQ-1145 How to use range string as parameter in LabTalk function?
FAQ-1195 Does Origin have a way to record macros and automate repetitive tasks?
Origin C
FAQ-390 Can I access external DLLs in Origin C?
FAQ-391 Can I create stand alone applications with Origin C?
FAQ-392 How can I encrypt my Origin C file?
FAQ-393 How do I input parameters for Origin C programs (LabTalk Script) through dialog?
FAQ-394 How to load and call Origin C function without Code Builder open?
FAQ-395 Is Origin C compatible with ANSI C?
FAQ-396 What are the various classes supported in Origin C?
FAQ-397 What is the most efficient way to organize my Origin C functions?
FAQ-398 Why is there a compile error for the FFT function call in my program?
FAQ-401 What are X-Functions and how do I create and share them?
FAQ-685 How to configure the Custom Routine button to run your Origin C function?
FAQ-689 What is the User Interface Module (UIM) and how do you edit and program a UIM Object?
FAQ-810 How to create a waterfall graph from Origin C?
FAQ-400 How do I list all categories of X-Functions?
FAQ-401 What are X-Functions and how do I create and share them?
FAQ-402 Why is my newly created X-Function not working from script?
FAQ-404 How can I run Python in Origin?
FAQ-405 Where can I find examples of working with Python in Origin?
FAQ-406 What to do if I cannot access other Python extensions from Origin?
FAQ-748 How to run R in origin?
FAQ-842 Why I fail to run Python with error "No Python installed"?
FAQ-1004 What Can I Do When Origin Cannot Connect to R?
FAQ-1075 How to download Python packages from mirror repository by default?
FAQ-1078 How do I write code for use interchangeably with embedded and external Python?
FAQ-1081 What should I do if I get "Could not install packages due to an EnvironmentError..." when install Python packages?
FAQ-1138 Why is Origin Changing My Python Function Argument Separator to a Dot?
FAQ-1171 Why my Python packages cannot work after I upgraded to Origin 2023b?
FAQ-1202 Internal Python packages that are installed by one user account fails for another account. What should I do?
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FAQ-286 How do I define global functions, global variables, and constants?
FAQ-360 What is the NAG library and how do I access it?
FAQ-361 What is the difference between LabTalk and Origin C?
FAQ-362 What is Code Builder?
FAQ-363 How do I change the target window to output error message?
FAQ-364 What is the command window?
FAQ-365 What are the restrictions on various object names?
FAQ-367 How do I delete every nth row or column from my worksheet?
FAQ-368 How do I modify the graph legend using LabTalk?
FAQ-369 How do I loop over various objects in my script?
FAQ-370 How do I list all script variables?
FAQ-371 Where can I find examples and help with scripting?
FAQ-372 How do I access analysis result table values from script?
FAQ-373 How do I parse out strings?
FAQ-374 What is current working folder and favorite folders?
FAQ-375 How do I create custom toolbar buttons that run my script macros?
FAQ-376 How do I delete a variable?
FAQ-377 How do I declare a variable so that it is available for an Origin session?
FAQ-378 How to declare a variable for missing value?
FAQ-379 How to get the column name, units, etc.?
FAQ-380 What is the notation for addressing data in workbooks and matrixbooks?
FAQ-381 How do I plot arbitrary column as x and y?
FAQ-382 Can I access Worksheet Query from script?
FAQ-383 What are system variables?
FAQ-384 How does Origin come up with appropriate Tick Labels for my data?
FAQ-385 What is Substitution Notation?
FAQ-386 How to avoid variable substitution?
FAQ-387 Is there a limit for LabTalk script length inside the brackets {} of an if, for, or loop statement?
FAQ-388 What can I do if the size of for-loop exceed limitation?
FAQ-390 Can I access external DLLs in Origin C?
FAQ-391 Can I create stand alone applications with Origin C?
FAQ-392 How can I encrypt my Origin C file?
FAQ-393 How do I input parameters for Origin C programs (LabTalk Script) through dialog?
FAQ-394 How to load and call Origin C function without Code Builder open?
FAQ-395 Is Origin C compatible with ANSI C?
FAQ-396 What are the various classes supported in Origin C?
FAQ-397 What is the most efficient way to organize my Origin C functions?
FAQ-398 Why is there a compile error for the FFT function call in my program?
FAQ-400 How do I list all categories of X-Functions?
FAQ-401 What are X-Functions and how do I create and share them?
FAQ-402 Why is my newly created X-Function not working from script?
FAQ-404 How can I run Python in Origin?
FAQ-405 Where can I find examples of working with Python in Origin?
FAQ-406 What to do if I cannot access other Python extensions from Origin?
FAQ-656 How to run Origin from command line?
FAQ-660 How to calculate descriptive statistics by using LabTalk Script
FAQ-666 How to open the dialog in Origin by using LabTalk Script?
FAQ-684 How to Run a LabTalk Script?
FAQ-685 How to configure the Custom Routine button to run your Origin C function?
FAQ-689 What is the User Interface Module (UIM) and how do you edit and program a UIM Object?
FAQ-699 What variable names should I avoid using in LabTalk Scripts?
FAQ-705 How Do I Copy Data from One Block of Cells to Another?
FAQ-712 Why do my LabTalk scripts from version 7.x fail in version 8.x or 9.x?
FAQ-723 How to change the font size in Script Window?
FAQ-748 How to run R in origin?
FAQ-768 How can I get the fitting parameter values in nonlinear fit at each iteration?
FAQ-796 Why is my Origin Command Window so Slow to Open?
FAQ-810 How to create a waterfall graph from Origin C?
FAQ-1077 Why my fitting function using external dll does not work on certain computers?
FAQ-842 Why I fail to run Python with error "No Python installed"?
FAQ-872 Why can't I set column names in my script, e.g. using wks.addCol or wks.col.name?
FAQ-888 How to set properties of special text object(such as axis titles) by using LabTalk?
FAQ-909 Has the NAG Library Changed? Some functions are missing.
FAQ-1075 How to download Python packages from mirror repository by default?
FAQ-1078 How do I write code for use interchangeably with embedded and external Python?
FAQ-1081 What should I do if I get "Could not install packages due to an EnvironmentError..." when install Python packages?
FAQ-1135 Why is speed slower when loop increases?
FAQ-1138 Why is Origin Changing My Python Function Argument Separator to a Dot?
FAQ-1145 How to use range string as parameter in LabTalk function?
FAQ-1171 Why my Python packages cannot work after I upgraded to Origin 2023b?
FAQ-1195 Does Origin have a way to record macros and automate repetitive tasks?
FAQ-1202 Internal Python packages that are installed by one user account fails for another account. What should I do?
FAQ-1214 What can I do when Origin has trouble launching R?
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