4.58 FAQ-810 How to create a waterfall graph from Origin C?

Last Update: 1/4/2016

Please refer to the following example code:

//The function below is to plot a waterfall
//When bYColMap = TRUE, it will plot a waterfall color map to Y. 
// When bYColMap = FALSE, it will plot a waterfall color map to Z. 

void plot_waterfall(BOOL bYColMap = TRUE, int nEndYCol = -1)
	Worksheet wks = Project.ActiveLayer();
	if( !wks )
	if( nEndYCol < 0 ) // -1 means to the end column
		nEndYCol = wks.GetNumCols() - 1;	
	// create a graph window
	GraphPage gp;
	GraphLayer gl = gp.Layers(0); // get the first layer	
	// prepare DataRange
	DataRange dr;
	dr.Add(wks, 0, "X"); // col(1): x column	
	for(int nYCol = 1; nYCol <= nEndYCol; nYCol++)		
		dr.Add(wks, nYCol, "Y"); // add y columns into dr DataRange		
	// do plot
	gl.AddPlot(dr, IDM_PLOT_LINE);	
	// set colormap	
	GroupPlot group;
	group = gl.Groups(0);
	if( group )
		Tree tr;		
		tr.Line.Color.nVal = bYColMap ? 0x60FFFF : 0x500000 | ( ModifyColBeg + 1 );
		if( 0 == group.UpdateThemeIDs(tr) )
			group.ApplyFormat(tr, true, true);

Keywords:waterfall, Origin C