Last Update: 11/3/2015
The problems of setting correct axis scales and calculating reasonable tick labels are handled by the limit command in LabTalk. For example:
newbook; range rax = 1!col(a); rax = data(17.3,23.6,.25); range ray = 1!col(b); ray = normal(rax.GetSize()); // calculate statistics descriptive values for X and Y datasets stats rax; size = stats.n; Xbegin = stats.min; Xend = stats.max; stats ray; Ybegin = stats.min; Yend = stats.max; // calculate the appropriate increment value and adjust begin and end values ticks = 5; ty Beginning with From : $(Xbegin), To : $(Xend), Steps : $(ticks); limit -r Xbegin Xend ticks increment; ty Limit command creates From : $(Xbegin), To : $(Xend), Increment : $(increment); plotxy (1,2);
Then the begin, end and increment values can be used to set the From, To and Increment of an axis respectively.
All standard Origin plot templates also include a margin of 8% that gets added to the range of X and Y data before the application of the above calculation. This property can be modified with
Keywords:range, automatic scaling, axis, axes,