The Show Tabshow-tab-in-axis-dialog
This tab is used to determine whether to show or hide a specified axis, and also determine the axis orientation.
General 2D Graphs
General 3D Graphs
2D Waterfall Graphs and Ternary Graph
General 2D Graphs
Show Left/Right/Bottom/Top Axis
Specify whether show the axes at current direction. You can select both the Left and Right Y axis, or Bottom and Top axis.
Rescale Each Y Axis Independently
Select this option to rescale vertical direction axes independently. Once selected, the Left and Right Y axes are independent. You can select the Right and Left icon on the left panel and go to the following Scale tab, Grid tab, Reference Lines tab and Breaks tab to customize the axis elements respectively.
Note: Once the Plot Data on is set to Right Y Axis in Display tab of Plot Details dialog', these three options(Show Left Axis, Show Right Axis and Rescale Each Y Axis independently) will be checked simultaneously.
Align Both Y Axes at
Selecting this option and enter a vartical position value into the combo edit box to rescale the right Y axis so as to laign left and right Y axes at that vertical position. The right Y axis will be rescaled to show the whole range of the dependent plots.
Link Axis Length to Scale with X:Y Ratio
Select this option to set the length ratio of X and Y axes (the Width and Height of the layer frame) to maintain the aspect ratio of the actual X and Y scales when the layer size is changed. Once checked, you can enter the ratio value in the edit box.
Note that when there is an axis break on one of the axes, this check box will be hidden.
This option is synchronized with the same option on Size tab of the Plot Details dialog. Refer to this document page for more information.
Share Axis Scale/Style for All Axes
Select Share Axis Scale for All Axes to share Scale tab settings between X and Y axes.
Select Share Axis Style for All Axes to share axis style settings within all axes in the same layer. Following axis styles are supported to share:
- tick label font
- title font
- grid style (without Show nor Additional Line settings)
- line and tick (without Show nor Color settings)
General 3D Graphs
Show/Hide Control
When the Use Only One Axis For Each Direction check box is selected, the control will be a Show Axis drop-down list, from which you can select which axis to be shown for the selected axis(axes), or show neither.
When the Use Only One Axis For Each Direction check box is cleared, the control will become two check boxes(Show Front/Back/Bottom/Top/Left/Right Axis). You can determine whether to show/hide an axis using its check box. The selected axes will be listed on Tick Labels, Title, Line and Ticks, Special Ticks tab to let you customzie the display of these axes.
Note: For the Zh Axis in the 3D Ternary Graph, when the Use Only One Axis For Each Direction check box is cleared, the control will become three check boxes (Show ZhX/ZhY/ZhZ Axis).
This drop-down menu is used to control the orientation of axis tick labels, titles, ticks.etc for the selected axis(axes). For global control of all axes, go to the Axis tab in Plot Details dialog (Layer level) as instructed by the dialog hint.
For detailed explanation of each options, please also refer to the Origin Help file of the Axis tab.
Rescale Each Axis Independent
For XYZ plots, you are allowed to rescale the each Z axis independently. For XYY plots, you are alllowed to rescale the each Y axis independently. Once you checked this check box, two Z/Y axes will be shown on Scale tab, and you can plot two different 3D plots in same 3D layer and show them in their own Z/Y axis range. And the Grids and Breaks tab will also show two Z/Y axes to allow you adding grid lines and axia breaks independently.
Note: No matter whether you have checked the option Use Only One Axis For Each Direction, check this check box will make the Show Axis drop-down list trun to Show Left/Right Axis check boxes.
Share Axis Scale for
Uncheck Rescale Each Axis Independent checkbox on Z axis and you are enable to choose to share Scale tab settgins between X and Y directions, Y and Z directions, X and Z directions, or share the same in all axes.
2D Waterfall Graphs and 2D Ternary Graph
There are two check boxes(Show Front/Back/Bottom/Top/Left/Right Axis). You can determine whether to show/hide an axis using its check box.