Function to compute diagnostic residual for fits(NLSF, LR, PR and MR)
int ocmath_diagnostic_residuals( const int nSize, const int nParam, const double dSSE, int nResid, const double * pResid, const double * pX, double * pStadRes, double * pStudRes, double * pStudDelRes, double * pCook, double * pAtkinson, double * pH = NULL )
- nSize
- [input] the number of data points
- nParam
- [input] the number of parameters fit by the regression.
- dSSE
- [input] the sum of square of residuals
- nResid
- [input] size of residuals
- pResid
- [input] pointer to residuals in the fits
- pX
- [input] pointer to matix of X, which is X in MR and partial derivatives matrix in NLSF
- the matrix should have nParam columns and nSize rows. The variable won't be used if pH is specified
- pStadRes
- [output] pointer to stardardized residual. Its size is nResid
- pStudRes
- [output] pointer to studentized residual. Its size is nResid
- pStudDelRes
- [output] pointer to studentized deleted residual. Its size is nResid
- pCook
- [output] pointer to Cook'sD statistic. Its size is nResid
- pAtkinson
- [output] pointer to Atkinson's T statistic. Its size is nResid
- pH
- [input] optional output pointer to leverage. Only needed in MR. Its size is nSize
Returns STATS_NO_ERROR on successful exit and a non-zero STATS error code on failure.
//The example find studentized residuals for 2 order polynomial fit
#include <FDFTree.h>
#include <ONLSF.h>
#include <ocStats.h>
#include <stats_utils.h>
void ocmath_diagnostic_residuals_ex1()
string strFDF = okutil_get_origin_path(ORIGIN_PATH_SYSTEM, "FitFunc")+"PARABOLA.FDF";
int nParam = 3; //2th Order polynomial has 3 parameters.
Tree tr;
if( !nlsf_FDF_to_tree( strFDF, &tr ))
NumericFunction NF;
vector vParas;
vParas[0] = 11.2717; // a
vParas[1] = -3.81714; // b
vParas[2] = 0.4619; // c
// X-values:
//vector vY={4, 3.3, 3.5, 3.8, 4.2, 5};
vector vX={3,4,4.5,5,5.5, 6};
int nNumPts = vX.GetSize();
vector vA, vB, vC;
for (int ipt = 0; ipt < nNumPts; ipt++)
double arrPartialDerivs[3];
BOOL bb = NF.EvalPartialDerivatives(vParas, arrPartialDerivs, vX[ipt]);
if (!bb)
vA[ipt] = arrPartialDerivs[0];
vB[ipt] = arrPartialDerivs[1];
vC[ipt] = arrPartialDerivs[2];
matrix mDerivX; //Patial derivative matrix
mDerivX.SetSize(nNumPts, nParam);
mDerivX.SetColumn(vA, 0);
mDerivX.SetColumn(vB, 1);
mDerivX.SetColumn(vC, 2);
double dSSE = 0.00629;
vector vRes = {0.0226, -0.0936, 0.0519, 0.0664, -0.0500, 0.0026};
DiagResid psDiagResid_1[8];
vector vStad(nNumPts), vStud(nNumPts), vStudDel(nNumPts), vCook(nNumPts), vAtkinson(nNumPts);
int nRet = ocmath_diagnostic_residuals(nNumPts, nParam, dSSE, vRes.GetSize(), vRes, mDerivX, vStad, vStud, vStudDel, vCook, vAtkinson);
#include <stats_utils.h>
void ocmath_diagnostic_residuals_ex2()
int nRet;
UINT nPts,nM;
uint nSizeFitParams;
LROptions psLROptions;
RegStats stRegStats;
matrix mX(6,3)={{1, 2, 3},
{3.2, 1.1, 3.4},
{1, 2.6, 5},
{5, 5, 2.1},
{1, 6, 7},
{2, 8, 10}};
vector vY ={4,2,6, 7, 8, 10};
vector vWeight = {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1};
psLROptions.FixIntercept = false;
psLROptions.Confidence = 0.95;
FitParameter psFitParameter_1[4];
vector vH, vSE;
matrix mCov, mCorr;
nRet = stats_multiple_linear_regression(mX, vY, vWeight, psLROptions, psFitParameter_1, 4, &stRegStats, &stRegANOVA, mCov, mCorr, vH, vSE);
if (nRet != STATS_NO_ERROR)
printf("error in stats_multiple_linear_regression");
vector vRes = {-0.46398, -0.49247, 1.1874, 0.26653, -0.5148, 0.01732};
int nNumPts = mX.GetNumRows();
int nParam = mX.GetNumCols() + 1;
vector vStad(nNumPts), vStud(nNumPts), vStudDel(nNumPts), vCook(nNumPts), vAtkinson(nNumPts);
nRet = ocmath_diagnostic_residuals(nNumPts, nParam, stRegStats.ReducedChiSq, vRes.GetSize(), vRes, mX, vStad, vStud, vStudDel, vCook, vAtkinson, vH);
if (nRet != STATS_NO_ERROR)
printf("error in ocmath_diagnostic_residuals");
See Also
header to Include