Function to set default options to LROptions structure for simple linear regression.
void ocmath_init_linear_fit_options( LROptions * psLROptions )
Returns STATS_NO_ERROR on successful exit and a non-zero STATS error code on failure.
//Import \Samples\Curve Fitting\Linear Fit.dat void ocmath_init_linear_fit_options_ex() { Worksheet wks=Project.ActiveLayer(); if(!wks) printf("no active worksheet found\n"); Dataset dsSrcX(wks,0); Dataset dsSrcY(wks,1); int nSize = dsSrcX.GetSize(); FitParameter sFitParameter[2]; LROptions sLROptions; RegStats sRegStats; ocmath_init_linear_fit_options(&sLROptions); ocmath_linear_fit(dsSrcX, dsSrcY, nSize, sFitParameter, NULL, nSize, &sLROptions, &sRegStats); printf("\nintercept = %6.4f\n", sFitParameter[0].Value); printf("standard error of intercept = %6.4f\n",sFitParameter[0].Error); printf("slope = %6.4f\n", sFitParameter[1].Value); printf("standard error of slope = %6.4f\n", sFitParameter[1].Error); printf("rsquare = %6.4f\n\n", sRegStats.RSqCOD); }