Find nlf FDF name by function name from given category's file list
bool nlsf_func_to_fdf(const string strCategory, const string strfuncName, string & strfileName, bool bFullPath = false)
if get succese will return true, else return false.
Prior to compiling the following functions, you must run the following command via the Script or Command window:
Run.LoadOC(Originlab\nlsf_utils.c, 16);
#include <Origin.h> #include <..\originlab\nlsf_utils.h> void nlsf_func_to_fdf_ex(string strCategory, string strfuncName) { string strfileName; bool bFullPath = true; if( nlsf_func_to_fdf(strCategory, strfuncName, strfileName, bFullPath) ) out_str(strfileName); }