
Brief Introduction

Use this command to set various formatting options for, and plot data from, the active worksheet.


worksheet  option argument


Options for Column

Option Description
-a Add n columns to the active worksheet
-c Create a new Y column named colName and add it to the end of the worksheet
-f Set the colRef column to the given Format
-fd Set the number of decimal digits to be used by the colRef column
-fi Set the colRef column's internal type to the specified value
-i Insert the name column as the n+1 column in the worksheet
-n Change the name of the colRef column to newName
-so D Delete a worksheet column
-so I Insert a worksheet column
-sou Y Set column designation
-t Set the colRef column as the given column type
-v Verify that a named column exists

Options to Copy/Duplicate/Extract

Option Description
-cp Copy selected data in the active worksheet to the Clipboard for plotting
-d Duplicate the active workbook into a new workbook named wksName and new wks becomes active
-da Duplicate the active workbook into a new workbook named wksName while original workbook remains active
-dr Duplicate the active workbook into a new workbook and execute the Worksheet Script of the active worksheet
-qa Extract columns satisfied with specified SQL query and put to active book
-qn Extract columns satisfied with specified SQL query and put to a new book
-tc Copy the active worksheet as HTML/EMF table

Options for Import

Option Description
-k Skip n header lines when importing ASCII data
-kl Store a maximum of n lines of header information in column labels when importing ASCII data

Options for Plot

Option Description
-p Plot the current worksheet selection in the nth graph type into the template
-pa Plot data in current workbook/worksheet into the specified cloneable template
-pc Plot data by specifying the start column and increment in the current worksheet

Other Options

Option Description
-b Get the first workbook that begins with winName
-cdf Clean up range style and name range format settings in active worksheet
-cof Convert non-SCN column formula into SCN in active worksheet
-crr Clear old banded row format in table
-e Open the specified worksheet dialogbox
-es Reset worksheet range selection behavior when selection fails
-fp Toggle frozen panes on or off
-frd Fix duplicates in the active sheet
-gd pb Custom Page Breaks
-q View Page Breaks
-r Run the script in the Worksheet Script dialog box
-rf Repair Set Values formula for the worksheet column
-rr Recover the range with empty UID data reference
-rri Recover the range with empty UID data reference and inputs
-s Set the specified range to be the current worksheet selection
-scf Clear cell formats of the selected range
-sl Select label row cell range
-sou db Delete rows before the selected row
-sou extend Extend current selection to the bottom of the column
-sou mr Move selected rows(s) up or down n rows

See Also:

Worksheet (object)

Document {-cw, -e W } (command), doc.wksNamen$ (object), Mark -d (command), Page (object), Plot -a (command), %() Substitution Notation, Undo -w* (command), Wks.Col_(object)