
Brief Introduction

Performs various operations on projects. Special counting and looping options are available.

Please see the pe_dir X-Function.


document option argument


Options for Project to Append Contents

Option Description
-a Append the contents of fileName to the current project(Without running [AfterOpenDoc] )
-af Append a folder as a sibling to the current folder
-afa Append the contents of a folder to the current folder
-afc Append a folder as the subfolder of the current folder
-afm Append multiple folders to the specified location of the current project
-afr Append a folder as a subfolder of the current project root folder
-afrs Append a folder to the current project root folder and then run ProjectEvents.ogs
-afs Only run the ProjectEvents.ogs of a project without appending any folder
-aimport Import an Excel XLS file
-as Append the contents of fileName to the current project(Force [AfterOpenDoc] to run)
-nf Add a new folder to Project Explorer
-t Open the template file

Options for Project to close, save, open, start and rename

Option Description
-d Close the current project
-ddde Open Project by EXE or DDE
-mg Get the modified state. Note: modified state = save flag = dirty flag
-ms clear the modified state
-n Start new project
-nt Start new project, show New Workbook dialog if "on startup" is enabled
-o Open a project
-of Open a project in different directory
-r Rename the current project
-rn Rename the current project
-s Turn off the save flag
-ss Control save prompt flag

Options for Projects Autosave and Protection

Option Description
-ca Reactivate the autosave options dialog
-cac Dump the autosave status
-cas Reactivate the autosave options dialog and save the current project
-pw Supply password for modifying project
-pwa Password protect against modifying project
-pwd Password protect against opening project
-pwr Remove Admin password from project
-pwta List books/sheets with protection turned on
-pwx Logout of Admin mode
-log Open the Audit Log dialog
-log1 Enable the Audit Log for current project with an optional password
-log0 Disable the Audit Log for current project

Options to Count Objects

Option Description
-cl Count layers in the active graph window
-cp Count all graph windows
-cs Count all datasets
-cw Count all workbooks

Other Options

Option Description
-e Execute the given script for all objects
-ef Execute the given script for all objects in the current folder
-ffu Force the column formula to update
-gp Generate previews for earlier version graphs in Project Explorer
-ha hide all windows
-l Send an update message to all windows
-lr Control access to OC/LabTalk codes attached to OPJ
-m Control the display state
-pda Apply Master Template page dimensions to other graph pages in the project
-rr Recover the range with empty UID data reference in the entire project
-rri Recover the range with empty UID data reference and inputs
-rrit Connect the table objects on graph pages for the whole project
-u Set update flags
-uw Set update flags in current window only
-wf remove all cell or column formula/links/script
-wpl load windows position settings
-wps save windows position settings, filename can be optional, relative filename will be saved to user file folder
-xw Convert internal Excel book into Origin workbook

See Also:

DocBegin, DocEnd