Other Options



Syntax: window -aw URL

Go to the URL web page.
View htm files from the local computer (note the use of quotation marks). For example:

// example 1:  Go to the OriginLab home page.
win -aw "http:\\www.originlab.com";
// example 2:  Open htm from the Users Files folder (held in %Y)
win -aw "file://%YmyHelp.htm";


Syntax: window -e winName [template]

Activate a graph window and delete all data plots.
If the window does not exist, create a new window based on a named template and name it winName.
If template isn't provided, then open the window based on the winName template, otherwise open the ORIGIN.OTP template.


Syntax: window -g

If the active window was opened from a template file, put the path and the template file name into %A.

-l 0

Syntax: window -l 0

Put the active window to the end of the Window menu window list.


Syntax: window -m

Merge all graph windows.


Syntax: window -ma

Prompt with a dialog box before merging all graph windows.


Syntax: window -o winName {script}

Execute (operate) the specified script for the named window.
winName is temporarily set internally as the active window, the script is executed, then the original active window is re-established.
Most commands operate on the active window. The %H system variable can be used by commands that require a window name.

Note: The window -o is especially useful when user wants to customize the embedded graphs or customize a window which is not active.
//Rescale one layer in the embeded graph
win -o Graph1

More Example:
The following script rescales the Graph2 window's X axis from -10 to 10.

win -o graph2 


Syntax: window -oa winName {script}

Execute (operate) the specified script for the named hidden window.
winName is temporarily set internally as the active window, the script is executed, then the original active window is re-established.
Most commands operate on the active window. The %H system variable can be used by commands that require a window name.


Syntax: window -os Map1

Add the hidden map boundary workbook, named as "Map1", to the project root folder. Each inserted map is added as a separate sheet named for the inserted map. See the Origin Help file for details.


Syntax: window -ppc

Call graph preview cleanup function to clean graph preview in Project Explorer. When this command is executed, hovering over the graph window in the sub-panel of Project Explorer will not show graph preview.

doc -e p {win -ppc} // Clean all the graph previews from an OPJ


Syntax: window -w

Restore normal operation before using the command again.


Syntax: window -z0

Fit page to window size, same as this method:
