29.13.20 Wind Rose-Raw DataWindRose-Raw-Graph
Data Requirements
Select one Y column (or a range from one Y column). The X column displays the wind direction, and the Y columns contain the wind speed values. If there is an associated X column, X column supplies X values; otherwise, sampling interval of the Y column or row number is used.
Creating the Graph
- Select required data.
- From the menu, choose .
- or
- Click the Wind Rose-Raw Data button on the 2D Graphs toolbar.
- Then the dialog of the plot_windrose X-Function opens, allowing you to specify the options for creating the graph.
- Click OK in the dialog to create the graph.
The dialog of the plot_windrose X-Function
Specify the input data range.
- Wind Direction
- Specify the data range for wind direction data.
- Wind Speed
- Specify the data range for wind speed data.
- Rows
- Choose the rows of the data range from which the windrose graph is plotted.
- From
- The first row of the range.
- To
- The last row of the range.
Number of Direction Sectors
The direction data will be divided into sectors and the counts of data points that fall into each sector will be used to create the windrose plot. You can select or enter the number of sectors for direction data here.
Note: There are 8 selectable values under the dropdown list: 4, 8, 12, 16, 18, 24, 32 and 36. You can also enter an integer in this combo box.
Direction Labels
Specify the direction labels which will be shown on the windrose plot.
- N-E-S-W
- Show four direction labels in the windrose, including N, E, S, W.
- N-NE-E...
- Show eight direction labels in the windrose, including N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW.
- N-NNE-NE...
- Show sixteen direction labels in the windrose, including N, NNE, NE, ENE, E, ESE, SE, SSE, S, SSW, SW, WSW, W, WNW, NW, NNW.
Spoke Style
Specify the style of spoke
- Sector
- Use sector as spoke style.
- Paddle
- This option uses the beginning width of 1st sector as the width of 1st block. Note: When there is no calm circle, all paddles show as line.
Wind Speed
Specify the settings for wind speed binning.
- Minimum Speed (Calm)
- Specify the minimum binning level for wind speed.
- Maximum Speed
- Specify the maximum binning level for wind speed.
- Bins
- There are two options in the download list: Increment and Bin Ends. When select Increment, you can specify the increment (bin size) for the binning in the Increment box. When select Bin Ends, you can specify the space-separated values in the Bin Ends box.
- Number of Intervals
- This is not editable. It displays the number of intervals used in the wind speed binning. This is calculated with the current values of Minimum Speed, Maximum Speed and Increment.
Show Calm Circle
Specify whether to show the calm circle in the plot. By default, the calm circle is center at 15% of radial scale. You can define this value at Radial Axis dialog after the plot is created.
Specify the orientation of the wind directions.
- Direction (Blowing From)
- The directions are where the wind blows from.
- Flow Vector (Blowing To)
- The directions are where the wind blows to.
Quantity to Compute
Specify what to calculate for each bin.
- Count
- Compute and output the count of each bin.
- Percent Frequency
- Compute and output the percent frequency of each bin.
Subtotal Count for Each Speed Interval
Specify whether or not to output subtotal count/percent frequency for each speed interval. When the Quantity to Compute is Count, subtotal count will be outputted; otherwise, percent frequency will be outputted.
WindRose.OTP (installed to the Origin program folder).
- When you plot the Wind Rose from raw data, a worksheet named WindRose is added to the source workbook. It stores the binned data from which the Wind Rose is plotted. For more information about the 2D binning algorithm, please refer to The TwoDBinning.
- The "calms" (wind speed records that are 0) is counted separately during the binning and the result is listed in the last column in the WindRose sheet.