The (Plot Details) Display Tab for Heatmap

This tab can be used to control the X/Y Coordinates, the spacing on X/Y direction, display styles in a Heatmap diagram.

PD Display Tab for Heatmap.png

XY Coordinates Mapping on Matrix

The option is usually used for the Heatmap plotted by NetCDF data, to set the longitude and latitude.

  • X/Y Coordinates

Support to set X/Y coordinates from matrix.

  • Orientation

Specify the orientation to Arbitrary, Clockwise or Counter Clockwise.


These sliders are used to control the width of the spacing on X/Y direction, on a scale from 0 to 100.

  • When the gap in one direction:
0 means there are no spacing between the cells in that direction, 100 means the cells will be displayed as lines in that direction.
  • When the gaps in both direction:
The calculation method of gap value is different from above. The cell value is not independent for X or Y. In both two direction, 100% cell value=(cell width+cell height)/2.

For example, if you set Gap Between Cells in X =30, Gap Between Cells in Y=50
the actual X direction gap value=(cell width+cell height)/2*30%
the actual Y direction gap value=(cell width+cell height)/2*50%

Fill Display

It supports Square, Upper Triangular, Upper Triangular without diagonal, Lower Triangular and Lower Triangular without diagonal five display styles.


If the Heatmap X and Y is not N*N, these four options Upper Triangular, Upper Triangular without diagonal, Lower Triangular and Lower Triangular without diagonal are not avaiable.