Specify the settings for the K-Means Cluster Analysis.
Note: When you choose to standardize variables, cluster center and distance are calculated from normalized data, but Descriptive Statistics and ANOVA are calculated on the original data.
To learn the default initial cluster centers, see the algorithm for initial cluster centers from observations.
Specify the quantities to calculate for the K-Means Cluster Analysis.
Specify whether to show the group graph.
Additionally, when the box is checked, output to K-Means Cluster Plot data sheet quantities PC 1, PC 2, Observation Label (optional) and Membership. The resulting cluster plot will have enabled (Plot Details > Centroid (Pro) tab) Show Centroid Point for Subset, Connect to Data Points and Show Ellipse.
Note that variables in the group graph can be different from those for the K-Means Cluster Analysis.
Specify the destination of output results for the K-Means Cluster Analysis.
Specify the way to recalculate and update the result if there is any change in the input data or settings.