Reference: The Object Properties Dialog Box (Image Objects)ImageOb-Prop-Dialog
To open the table's Object Properties dialog box:
- Select a table on the graph. Right-click and choose Properties... from the shortcut menu.
The Dimensions Tab
Specify the units for the position and size (see below).
Keep aspect ratio
Select this check box to allow only proportional sizing.
Position Group
Specify the Left and Top position for the table. The units are determined by the Units drop-down list.
Size Group
Specify the table's Width and Height in units determined by the Units drop-down list.
Reset to Native Aspect Ratio
Click this button to restore the ratio of width to height to the native aspect ratio.
Available for SVG graph object only. Select or enter an angular degree to rotate the SVG graph object.
The Image Tab
Image Group
Use picture holder is not available for table object.
To add a background for the selected table, check the Background check box and select a desired option from the drop-down list. Uncheck this check box to display table without a background.
Apply To
To apply the settings in the Image tab:
- Make a selection with the Apply To drop-down list to specify the range to apply the settings. For example, select Object to apply the Background settings to the selected table only.
- click the Apply To button.
The Control Tab
Object Group
The Name edit box displays the object's current name. Origin names objects by starting with a default base name (for example, Table), and incrementing the name. You can edit this name. This object name can be used in LabTalk script to programmatically control the object.
The Type box shows the object type. It is read only.
The Update button is only available for worksheet object added to Layout. Click this button to update the table in the layout page to reflect the recent changes in the source worksheet.
Attach To Group
To control the effect of layer manipulation and axis rescaling on the object's size and position, select one of the following radio buttons:
- Page: When attached to the page, the object is both position and scale independent of its layer. The object position and size are not affected by moving or resizing the layer, or by changing the axis scale. The object is still a part of the layer, however, and is deleted if the layer is deleted.
- Layer Frame: When attached to the layer frame, the object is position dependent on its layer. When you move the layer, the object moves with the layer. If you resize the layer, the object changes dimensions proportionally and moves with the layer. If you rescale the axes, however, the object does not change size or position.
- Layer and Scale: When attached to the layer and scale, the object is connected to the layer in terms of size and position. If you move the layer, the object moves with the layer. If you resize the layer, the object changes dimensions proportionally and moves with the layer. If you rescale the axes, the object size does not change, but the object moves so that it maintains the same XY coordinate value.
Properties Group
- Visible: When this box is selected, the object is visible and selectable. When this check box is cleared, the object is not visible and not selectable. To display and edit the object, enter Button Edit Mode by selecting Edit: Button Edit Mode. Exit Button Edit Mode by re-selecting Edit: Button Edit Mode.
- Selectable: When this box is selected, the object can be selected (and edited). When the check box is cleared, the object is non-editable. To edit the object, enter Button Edit Mode by selecting Edit: Button Edit Mode. Exit Button Edit Mode by re-selecting Edit: Button Edit Mode.
Disable Group
This group controls the object behavior while changing its shape and position.
- Horizontal Movement: Select this box to prevent horizontal movement.
- Vertical Movement: Select this box to prevent vertical movement.
- Resizing: Select this box to prevent resizing.
- Rotating: It is not accessible for table object.
- Skewing: It is not accessible for table object.
- Edit: It is not accessible for table object.