The (Object Properties) Fill tabOb-Prop-Fill-tab
This tab is available for the closed graph objects, such as rectangles, circles and polygons, to customize the fill color and fill pattern.
Fill Color
Specify a fill color. Select None to display a transparent fill. By default, Origin uses LT gray as the fill color.
Gradient Fill
Specify the gradient fill mode.
- None: No gradient color change
- One Color: One color changes from black to white gradually
- Two Colors: The fill changes from one color to another gradually
This is available only when Gradient Fill is set to One Color. It is a slider used to set the lightness (in %) of the gradient fill color, varying from black to white.
2nd Color
This is available only when Gradient Fill is set to Two Colors. Select the second color used to create the gradient.
This is available only when Gradient Fill is set to Two Colors. By default, the Fill Color and Fill Pattern share same transparency value by the control Transparency below. When uncheck Auto, set transparency for the gradient fill separately.
This is available when Gradient Fill is set to One Color or Two Colors. It allows you to specify the direction along which the filled color gradually changes.
Specify how to fill the pattern using the Pattern Chooser which is similar with the Color Chooser.
_Fill_tab/Tip_icon.png?v=9614) | You can add your own custom fill patterns to the pattern gallery (hint: they are added to the end of the list). Open your User Files Folder (UFF) and create a /Patterns folder, then add sub-folders for /Geology and /Normal. Save an EMF file of your custom pattern to the appropriate sub-folder (e.g. /Patterns/Geology). Your custom pattern will now appear in the gallery.
Pattern Color
When a pattern is selected from the Pattern list, the Pattern Color button is available. Clicking this button will open the color chooser which can be used to set color(s) for selected pattern(s).
Pattern Width
Specify the width of the lines in the fill pattern. Line width is measured in units of points, where 1 point=1/72 inch.
Apply fill transparency. Move the slider or enter an integer from 0 (no transparency) to 100 (full transparency).
Transparency for Fill Only
Apply the transparency above to the Fill only, the transparency of Border should be 0.
Set as Default
Set the Filling settings as default for all closed graph objects. Next time, when you create a new closed object, the settings will be used by default.
Apply to
Click Apply To... button to apply the Border and Fill settings to other Objects in current layer, in all layers or all windows.
Note 1: The Transparecy control is the same one in Border tab, and they share the same value.
When you change the transparecy percentage for the fill, the border will be applied to the same transparecy percentage, and vice versa.
When you set the Transparency and checked the Transparency for Fill Only check box, the transparency will be only applied to Fill and the transparency of Border will be back to 0.
Note 2: To Win98 and ME users:Occasionally, when copying and pasting a graph containing drawing objects, fill patterns will not be copied to the receiving application (e.g. MS Word). When this occurs, you may be able to correct the problem by doing the following :
- Save and close your Origin project file.
- Open the Script Window and type the following:
- @ce=1 <Enter>
- Reopen the project file.
- Re-copy and paste the Origin graph into the target application.
Fill patterns should be reproduced correctly in the target application.