Function to perform simple linear regression. using g02cac, The computational engine is the NAG function
nag_simple_linear_regression (g02cac).
int ocmath_linear_fit( const double * pX, const double * pY, int nSize, FitParameter * psFitParameter, const double * pWT = NULL, UINT nWTSize = 0, const LROptions * psLROptions = NULL, RegStats * psRegStats = NULL, RegANOVA * psRegANOVA = NULL, RegCalcInternal * psInternal = NULL, double * pCov = NULL, double * pCorr = NULL, uint nCovCorrRowSize = 0, uint nCovCorrColSize = 0 )
- pX
- [Input] matrix containing data points of the independent variables
- pY
- [Input] vector containing data points of dependent variable, size of pY = n
- nSize
- [Input] size of pX and pY, the number of observations, n. n>=2
- psFitParameter
- [Output] pointer to structs to receive information on each fitting parameter
- pWT
- [Optional Input] vector containing weight of the data, all data in pWT should not less than zero
- nWTSize
- [Optional Input] the size of the weight, should be the same as nOSizeN
- psLROptions
- [Optional Input] pointer to struct for linear regression options.
- psRegStats
- [Optional Output] pointer to struct containing Regression statistics
- psRegANOVA
- [Optional Output] pointer to struct containing ANOVA statistics.
- psInternal
- [Optional Output] pointer to struct containing Sxx, Sxy, Syy ect
- pCov
- [Optional Output] pointer to covariance matrix of estimate
- pCorr
- [Optional Output] pointer to correlation matrix of estimate
- nCovCorrRowSize
- [Input] row size of Covariance and Correlation matrix, which should be nVSizeM + 1
- nCovCorrColSize
- [Input] column size of Covariance and Correlation matrix, which should be nVSizeM + 1
Returns STATS_NO_ERROR on successful exit and a non-zero STATS error code on failure.
void ocmath_linear_fit_ex1()
// regression data input directly by vector
vector vx = {1,0,4,7.5,2.5,0,10,5};
vector vy = {20,15.5,28.3,45,24.5,10,99,31.2};
vector vw = {1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1};
// or obtain regression data from an Origin Worksheet
//Worksheet wks=Project.ActiveLayer();
// printf("no active worksheet found\n");
//Dataset dsSrcX(wks,0);
//Dataset dsSrcY(wks,1);
//Dataset dsSrcW(wks,2);
//vector vx(nSize);
//vector vy(nSize);
//vector vw(nSize);
int n;
n = vx.GetSize();
double a, b, err_a, err_b, rsq, rss, df;
FitParameter sFitParameter[2];
LROptions sLROption;
RegStats sRegStats;
ocmath_linear_fit(vx, vy, n, sFitParameter, vw, n, NULL, &sRegStats);
a = sFitParameter[0].Value;
err_a = sFitParameter[0].Error;
b = sFitParameter[1].Value;
err_b = sFitParameter[1].Error;
rsq = sRegStats.RSqCOD;
rss = sRegStats.SSR;
df = sRegStats.DOF;
// output intepretation: a+b*x b is the slope, a is the intercept
printf("\nRegression constant a = %6.4f\n\n", a);
printf("Standard error of the regression constant a = %6.4f\n\n",
printf("Regression coefficient b = %6.4f\n\n", b);
printf("Standard error of the regression coefficient b = %6.4f\n\n",
printf("The regression coefficient of determination = %6.4f\n\n", rsq);
printf("The sum of squares of the residuals about the "
"regression = %6.4f\n\n", rss);
printf("Number of degrees of freedom about the "
"regression = %6.4f\n\n",df);
//Expected Result:
//Regression constant a = 7.5982
//Standard error of the regression constant a = 6.6858
//Regression coefficient b = 7.0905
//Standard error of the regression coefficient b = 1.3224
//The regression coefficient of determination = 0.8273
//The sum of squares of the residuals about the regression = 965.2454
//Number of degrees of freedom about the regression = 6.0000
See Also
Header to Include