The Convolution Dialog box

Convolution conv.png
  • Menu Command: Analysis: Signal Processing: Convolution
  • Window Types: Workbook, Graph
  • X-Function Script and GUI Examples: conv
Dialog Theme See Dialog Themes.

See Recalculating Analysis Results.


Specifies the signal, which will be convoluted with the response. See Specifying Your Input Data.


Specifies the response, which will be convoluted with the signal. See Specifying Your Input Data.

Sampling Interval

Specifies the sampling interval. The default is <auto>, which corresponds to an automatically-computed interval.

Normalize Response: Specifies whether the response should be normalized to [0, 1], before it is used to calculate the convolution. The response is normalized by
\frac{x_i}{sqrt(\sum _ix_i^2 \,\!)}, i = 1, 2, 3, ...
where x_i is the ith value in the response.
Wrap Response: Specifies whether the response should be wrapped, before it is used to calculate the convolution. If this is selected, the maximum data point in the original response will become the first data point in the wrapped response.
Convolution Type
Specifies whether the convolution is linear or circular.
  • Linear: Data points outside the input range will be viewed as zeros.
  • Circular: Data points outside the input range will be viewed as repetition of the data points within the range.

Specifies the output range. See Output Results.