Opens a new Origin project. If current project edits are not saved, you are prompted to save your changes.
Opens a new folder.
Opens a new workbook window based on the default worksheet template.
Opens a new Excel workbook window.
Opens a new graph window based on the default graph template.
Opens a new matrix window based on the default matrix template.
Opens a new function graph window and simultaneously opens the Function tab of the Plot Details dialog box.
Create a 2D function plot.
Create a 2D Parametric Function Plot.
Create a 3D Function Plot.
Create a 3D Parametric Function Plot.
Opens a new layout window.
Opens a new notes window.
Opens a new digitize image window.
Create a new image window ith default template.
Opens the Open dialog box (Generic: OPJ, ORG, OGW, OGG, OGM, TXT, etc.).
Open a cloud file.
Opens the Open dialog box (Specific: XLS).
Saves the Origin project file.
Saves the active window with the name of the template upon which the window is based.
Recalculate. Green = no pending operations; Yellow = manual update required/pending operations
Pause Auto Update/Recalculation. All operations paused until button is clicked again.
Opens the batch processing tool.
Opens the Import Wizard.
Opens the Import ASCII dialog box (TXT, DAT, CSV, *.*).
Opens the Import Multiple ASCII dialog box (TXT, DAT, CSV, *.*).
Opens the Import Excel dialog box (XLS, XLSX, XLSM).
Sends the active window to the printer without prompting; the current Page Setup and default printer settings are used.
Zoom the size of the active window.
Slideshows graphs.
Opens the dialog that exports graphs to PowerPoint slides.
Refreshes the active window.
Duplicates the active window.
Open Batch Plotting tool to replicate the current graph by replacing data in all the plots with the data from other columns/sheets/books.
Calls the [Main] section of the editable LabTalk script file, CUSTOM.OGS. [Main] can be your own analysis/graphing routine.
Toggles Project Explorer on and off.
Toggles the Object Manager on and off.
Toggles the Results Log on and off.
Toggles the Script Window on and off.
Opens Code Builder, the Origin C Integrated Development Environment (IDE).
Adds a new column to the end of the active worksheet.
Open Video Builder.