The Column toolbar is available when a worksheet column is selected. It provides buttons to set the column plotting designation and to move columns.
Designates the selected column(s) as X.
Designates the selected column(s) as Y.
Designates the selected column(s) as Z.
Designates the selected column as a Y error bar column.
Designates the selected column as a label column.
Designates the selected column(s) to be disregarded.
Designates the selected column(s) as a Grouping or Factor column.
Designates the selected column(s) as a Subject column for Repeated Measures.
Moves the selected column to the first worksheet column position.
Moves the selected column one column to the left.
Moves the selected column one column to the right.
Moves the selected column to the last worksheet column position.
Swap the selected column.
Add Sparklines to the selected columns. If there is <sheet> theme saved in the Worksheet, it will use this theme for adding Sparklines