6.9.2 The SQL Editor Dialog BoxImpDatabase-SQLEditor-Dialog
Database Overview
Origin's database connectivity and import functionality has been updated. For more information, we suggest these blog posts:
The SQL Editor

The SQL Editor is a simple GUI for setting up database connections, editing SQL strings and importing database data. The dialog includes:
- Table list: List of tables in the selected database. For each table, there is a list of fields. Items may be double-clicked to add them to the SQL query being built in the SQL statement edit box.
- SQL statement edit box: Manually type in SQL here. Double-click in Table list to add items from the list to the SQL.
- Toggle preview panel visibility: Click to show or hide the preview panel.
- Preview panel: Displays preview of data when the Preview button is clicked.
- Generate preview: Click Preview to generate up to 50 rows of preview data.
- Import data: Click OK to close the SQL Editor dialog, save the query to the worksheet, and import data specified by the query into the worksheet.
 | To adjust the height of top panel, toggle the Preview panel off (click the double up-arrow on the right), then drag to adjust height.
Dialog Settings
The File menu
Options in this menu work for establishing a database connection, and managing the connection and query files (See this blog post for an explanation of *.ODS and *.ODQ files).
Start a completely new connection with a blank SQL query. Opens the Data Link Properties dialog.
Opens an existing Query file (*.ODQ file) or a Data Source file (*.ODS file).
Save to Active Worksheet
Saves connection information and SQL statement to the active worksheet. Good option if you want to save that information but don’t want to import data immediately. Use File: Close to close the dialog afterwards.
Save Connection As
Creates an *.ODS file from current connection information. If you want to include credentials/login info in the connection, do not encrypt it beforehand.
Show Connection String
Displays the connection string for current connection in the Message tab of the preview panel.
Edit Connection String
Modify some part of the current connection string. Or use it to copy connection string to clipboard.
Save Connection and Query As
Creates an *.ODQ files from current connection information and SQL statement.
Closes the dialog.
The View menu
Text Size
Adjust SQL statement editor font size.
Show Table List
Show or hide left panel. Origin reads database metadata to construct this table. This may take time to construct. Hiding the table list can speed up connecting to a large database. Double-click a node to add it to the right SQL statement edit box.
Show Table Views in Table List
Show or hide table views in the table list.
The Query menu
Opens the LabTalk Support Settings dialog. This dialog lets you define LabTalk variables, execute Labtalk script and use in LabTalk in your SQL string. The dialog options include:
- Enable LabTalk (%, $) Substitution:
Check to enable LabTalk substitution in SQL string.
- Ignore Substitution Inside Single Quotes:
Check to ignore substitution inside ' '.
- Before Query Script:
Script that runs before applying a SQL string. This is used to define LabTalk variables, etc.
More information, please see the examples below.
Preview Substituted String
Preview the actual SQL string when using LabTalk in right panel. When it's checked, the SQL statement edit box isn't editable.
Preview the SQL query results in bottom Preview tab.
Examples: Use LabTalk in your SQL string
Suppose the original SQL string is:
SELECT country, years, amount FROM salesrecords
WHERE country = 'USA' AND years = 2010
To change the condition, you can use LabTalk variables in a WHERE clause. For example, open LabTalk Support Settings (Query: LabTalk) and enter a Before Query Script like this:
%A = Japan; //define a string variable
int YY = 2010; //define an integer variable
And change the SQL into
SELECT country, years, amount FROM salesrecords
WHERE country = '%A' AND years = $(YY)
Then the resulting SQL would be:
- Enable LabTalk (%, $) Substitution -- Unchecked.
SELECT country, years, amount FROM salesrecords
WHERE country = '%A' AND years = $(YY)
- Enable LabTalk (%, $) Substitution -- Checked, Ignore Substitution Inside Single Quotes -- Unchecked.
SELECT country, years, amount FROM salesrecords
WHERE country = 'Japan' AND years = 2010
- Enable LabTalk (%, $) Substitution -- Checked, Ignore Substitution Inside Single Quotes -- Checked.
SELECT country, years, amount FROM salesrecords
WHERE country = '%A' AND years = 2010
 | To use an actual '%' sign when you have unchecked Ignore Substitution Inside Single Quotes, use a double percent, '%%', instead.
The Settings menu
Import Data by OLE DB
Use OLE DB for importing data. (Enabled for both OLE DB and ODBC).
Import Data by ODBC
Use ODBC for importing data. (Only enabled for ODBC connections).
Auto Resize Worksheet
Auto resize worksheet column width to fit record size.
Encrypt Login Info
Encrypts credentials/login info such that it is no longer human-readable when displayed in Origin.
Butons are provided for most frequently used menus in this dialog, including: