Performs Short-Time-Fourier-Transform on a 1d signal(real data). It computes the windowed discrete-time Fourier transform of a signal using a sliding window. It return the power spectrum from the signal sequence and time and frequence scales as well
int stft_real( vector & vSignal, vector & vWin, double dSmplIntv, int nOverlap, int nFFTPts, matrix & matSTFT, double & dScaleTime, double & dScaleFreq )
- vSignal
- [Input] the real vector of original signal
- vWin
- [Input] the vector of Window data
- dSmplIntv
- [Input] the Sample interval of signal data
- nOverlap
- [Input] the overlaping points of adjacent window
- nFFTPts
- [Input] the number of points in FFT
- matSTFT
- [Output] the result STFT spectrum with time arraged in column wise and the amplitude of each frequency row wise.
- dScaleTime
- [Output] the maximum time of the STFT spectrum, it's also the XMax of matSTFT
- dScaleFreq
- [Output] the maximum frequency of the STFT spectrum, it's also the YMax of matSTFT
0 for success or error codes.
Prior to compilation, load fftEx_utils.c to the workspace by executing the following LabTalk command:
Run.LoadOC("Originlab\fftEx_utils.c", 16);
To retain fftEx_utils.c in the workspace for successive sessions, drag and drop the file from the Temporary folder to the System folder.
#include <fft_utils.h>
#include <fftex_utils.h>
void stft_real_ex1()
vector win(4);
vector sig(8) = {0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0};
get_window_data(RECTANGLE_WIN, 4, win);
matrix stft;
double stime;
double sfreq;
stft_real(sig, win, 0.1, 1, 4, stft, stime, sfreq);
int row = stft.GetNumRows();
int col = stft.GetNumCols();
for (int ii=0; ii<row; ii++)
for (int jj=0; jj<col; jj++)
printf ("%lf\t", stft[ii][jj]);
printf ("\n");
See Also
header to Include