Caculate the power of a serial of signal sequences which is stored in the input array(vSig). Each signal sequence has the same width. Actually they are the result of FFT transform of a window of source signal as Hermitian-Form.
int fft_get_power_hermitian( int iSeqSize, int iNumSeq, double * vSig, double * vResult )
Returns 0 for success or error codes for failure.
//Assume in the current worksheet, the first column is the result of FFT transform of a //window of source signal as Hermitian-Form. The signal data contains 20 value, every 5 //represents a fft result of a sequence applied window. And there are 4 sequences in this //vector. At last the column B will show the result. #include <..\originlab\fft.h> Test_fft_get_power_hermitian() { Worksheet wks = Project.ActiveLayer(); if(wks) { Dataset dsSig(wks, 0); Dataset dsResult(wks, 1); vector vecSig, vecResult; vecSig = dsSig; int nPadWinSize = 5; // this is the length of sub-sequence of signal int nSteps = 4; // number of sub-sequence. vecResult.SetSize((nPadWinSize/2+1)*nSteps); int ret = fft_get_power_hermitian(nPadWinSize, nSteps, vecSig, vecResult); if (ret !=0 ) out_str("return error, fail call"); dsResult = vecResult; } }