Performs amplitude normalization.
int fft_norm_amp( vector<complex> & vSignal )
- vSignal
- [modify] the data for input and the result of vSignal after normalize amplitude for output
Returns OE_NOERROR for success or error codes for failure.
Prior to compilation, load fft_utils.c to the workspace by executing the following LabTalk command:
Run.LoadOC("Originlab\fft_utils.c", 16);
To retain fft_utils.c in the workspace for successive sessions, drag and drop the file from the Temporary folder to the System folder.
#include <fft_utils.h>
void fft_norm_amp_ex1()
vector<complex> vSignal = {36, -4 + 9.6569i, -4 + 4i, -4 + 1.6569i,
-4, -4 - 1.6569i, -4 - 4i, -4 - 9.6569i};
//the result should be
//{9.0000, -1 + 2.4142i, -1 + 1i, -1 + 0.4142i, -1, -1 + -0.4142,
// -1 - 1i, 1 -2.4142}
int nRet = fft_norm_amp(vSignal);
if( 0 != nRet )
printf("fft_norm_amp function returned error: %d\n", nRet);
This function perform amplitude normalization.
The effect on the FFT result is to divide the amplitudes of the DC and AC components by N/2, where N is the number of data points. This will reveal the true amplitudes in the original data set.
This occurs because we know that cos(x) = [exp(-ix) + exp(ix)]/2.
Thus, when a time domain data set is transformed into the frequency domain by FFT, each component splits into two frequencies, a positive one and its negative image.
The amplitude of each of these frequencies is N/2 times that of its original component.
To calculate the mean of the data set, divide the DC component by 2.
See Also
header to Include