

Name Brief Example
_hypot Calculates the hypotenuse (the longest side) of a right triangle given the two sides of the right angle Examples
abs Absolute value of a floating-point (double). This function is implemented in internal.c as a compatibility function for the labtalk version of abs(x) function. Please note that this function will simply call the fabs(x) function Examples
angle Return the phase (angle) in radians of a planar vector with coordinates (x, y) Examples
deg2rad Radian and degree conversion functions: convert degree to radian Examples
fabs Absolute value of a floating-point (double). Examples
grnd normally distributed random number with mean=0 and sd=1, nSeed > 0 to set random seed (returns 0) Examples
is_equal Compare two double values and see if they are equal or not. Examples
is_numeric Test given string to determine whether it is a numeric string Examples
max Return the larger of two doubles. Examples
min Return the smaller of two doubles. Examples
mod Divides x by y and returns the remainder. The arithmetic is same with c/c++, but not same with Excel. Examples
mod2 Divides x by y and returns the remainder. The arithmetic is same with Excel, but not same with c/c++. Examples
pow Calculates x raised to the power of y. Examples
rad2deg Radian and degree conversion functions: convert radian to degree Examples
ran This function is essentially the same as the rnd() function Examples
rand The rand function returns a pseudorandom integer in the range 0 to RAND_MAX. Examples
rmod Divides double x by double y and returns the remainder. Examples
rnd Also defined as ran(_nSeed). On every call it generates a random double value between 0. and 1. Examples
sqrt Calculates the square root. Examples
srand The srand function sets the starting point for generating a series of pseudorandom integers. Examples