Options for Project to close, save, open, start and rename



Syntax: doc -d

Close the current project. Execute the DocEnd macro (if it has been defined). All windows are closed and no new project or windows are loaded. Do not exit Origin. Prompts to offer to save project.


Syntax: doc -ddde option

Open Project by EXE or DDE.
1 = open the Origin project by running the EXE
0 = open the Origin project by DDE

See FAQ-17 What should I do if double-clicking on my OPJ file fails to launch Origin?, Suggestion 2.


Syntax: doc -mg Origin_modified_state

Get the modified state of current project and output into variable Origin_modified_state, Origin_modified_state = 1 if modified, 0 if not modified.

Note: modified state = save flag = dirty flag


Syntax: doc -ms

Clear the modified state for project and pages.


Syntax: doc -n

Execute the DocEnd macro (if defined). Close the current project and start new project. Read the ORGSYS.CNF file. Open a new project. The new project is defined by your settings under Preference: Options : [Open/Close] : 'Start New Project'. Do not open the New Workbook dialog (see -nt, below).


Syntax: doc -nt

Start new project, like the -n switch, but show the New Workbook dialog if the dialog check box Show on startup and new project, is enabled.


Syntax: doc -o projectName

Open a new Origin project, using the following steps:

  1. Execute the DocEnd macro (if defined). This will close any currently open project.
  2. Read the ORGSYS.CNF file and execute the DocBegin macro (if defined).
  3. Open the named project (Note: projectName must be a full path description, including the file extension).


Syntax doc -of objectName

Open a project in different directory:
Execute the DocEnd macro (if defined). Close the current project. Read the ORGSYS.CNF file. Execute the DocBegin macro (if defined). Open the named project using the full path and name specified. If no path, then look first in the current directory, then in the software directory.

projectName must be a full path description, including the file extension. Look for projectName first in the current directory and then in the software directory.


Syntax: doc -r newName

Rename the current project to newName. Origin resets the path to your User Files Folder.


Syntax: doc -rn

Reset the name of the current project to UNTITLED such that saving the project (e.g. File: Save) will open File: Save As.


Syntax: doc -s

Turn off the save flag so that no save prompt appears on exit.


Syntax: doc -ss state

Control save prompt flag. If state = 1, do not prompt to save on exit even when file is modified. If state = 0, restore to default (prompt to save if modified). The doc -ss 1 option turns off the save prompt for the Origin session unless a doc -ss 0 is executed, while the effect of doc -s ends when a project is (again) modified.