4.6.5 Reduce Rows

Origin has a tool for reducing data by deleting or merging worksheet rows according to a user-defined pattern, or by deleting masked rows.

To open the tool:

  1. Activate the workbook.
  2. Click Worksheet: Reduce Rows... and open the wreducerows dialog box.

The wreducerows dialog box is built upon the wreducrows X-Function.

Dialog Options


The data input range.

For help with range controls, see: Specifying Your Input Data

Reduce Method
  • Delete N rows, then skip M rows
Delete N rows, then skip M rows.
  • Delete rows with missing values
Delete rows that contain missing values.
  • Delete rows with masked values
Delete worksheet rows that have been masked.
  • Reduce N rows with merged values
Merge every N points into one data point equal to the Merge by value.
  • Delete hidden rows
Delete hidden rows (e.g. filter out data)
Delete Entire Row

This option is only available when Reduce Method is Delete rows with missing values or Delete rows with masked values. Check this checkbox to delete the whole row if there is missing or masked value in the reference columns. The reference columns are specified in Reference Columns (Input).

Merge/Delete Rows

Option depends on your selection of Reduce Method: Delete N rows... (Delete Rows) or Reduce N rows... (Merge Rows). Number of rows to merge or delete.

Skip Rows

Option is only available when selecting Reduce Method = Delete N rows, then skip M rows. Specify number of rows to skip.

Merge by

Available when Reduce Method = Reduce N rows with merged values. Specify value to replace merged data points.

  • First Point
Replace every N data points with the value of the first merged point.
  • Last Point
Replace every N data points with the value of the last merged point.
  • Average
Replace every N data points with the average of the merged points.
  • Min
Replace every N data points with the minimum value of the merged points.
  • Max
Replace every N data points with the maximum value of the merged points.
  • Sum
Replace every N data points with the sum of the merged points.
  • SD
Replace every N data points with the standard derivation of the merged points.
Starting Row to Merge/Delete

The starting row to merge/delete.


Specify output range.

For help with the range controls, see: Output Results