Algorithms (Weibull Fit)WeibullFit-Algorithm
For realizations, , from a Weibull distribution, a value is observed if
There are two situations:
Exactly specified observations, when
Right-censored observations, known by a lower bound, when
The probability density function of Weibull distribution, and hence the contribution of an exactly specified observation to the likelihood, given by:
While the survival function of Weibull distribution, and hence the contribution of a right-censored observation to the likelihood, is given by:
Where intercept parameter which also be called threshold parameter, is Weibull shape parameter and is Weibull scale parameter.
If of the observations are exactly specified and indicated by . And the remaining observations are right-censored. Then the likelihood function, is given by:
The kernel likelihood function is given:
If the derivatives , , , , are denoted by , , , , respectively, then the maximum likelihood estimates, and , are the solutions to the equations: and
Estimates of the asymptotic standard errors of and are given by:
An estimate correlation coefficient of and is given by: