The (Text Object Properties) Symbol tabTextOb-Prop-Symbol-tab
The graph legend is simply a specialized text object. When the text object is a graph legend a Symbol tab is added to the Text Object Properties dialog box.
Symbol+Line Style
For Line+Symbol plots, use this control to determine which line and symbol style to use in the legend.
Symbol-Line Gap (%Symbol Size)
Applies to Line+Symbol graphs. Adds a gap between the line and the symbol in the legend entry. Gap to Symbol must be enabled on the Line tab of the Plot Details dialog box for this to have any effect.
Scale Factors(%, 100 means original size)
With these combo-boxes, you can choose a number from the drop-down list or type a number into the box. Note that the active dataset indicator can be turned on to show maximum symbol block width and height (in Plot Details at graph page level or by right-clicking on the legend and choosing Legend: Indicate Active Dataset).
Scatter Symbol Size
- The box will take numbers larger than 100.
- Symbol size is limited by the legend text size (Text tab). Increasing the font size will allow for use of larger symbol sizes.
- Applies to Line+Symbol and Scatter plots.
Line Thickness
- The box will take numbers larger than 100.
- Applies to Line+Symbol and Line plots.
Legend Symbol Width
- The box will take numbers larger than 100. When it is 100, the actual width will follow the setting in the Legend/Titles tab of Plot Details dialog.
- This control is used to adjust the width of the active dataset indicator, and the internal block Width is limited to the size of the legend's active dataset indicator.
- Increasing the legend text size(Text tab) will increase the height/width of the active dataset indicator.
- Applies to graph types which use a block-style legend symbol such as Column/Bar and Area plots, and the Line+Symbol and Line plots too.
Pattern Block Width
- The box will not take numbers larger than 100.
- Once the active dataset indicator is set up, you can use this control to adjust the internal block width. When it is less than 100, there will be gaps before and after the block, within the indicator.
- Applies to graph types which use a block-style legend symbol such as Column/Bar and Area plots, and the Line+Symbol and Line plots too.
Pattern Block Height
- The box will not take numbers larger than 100.
- You can use this control to adjust the internal block height. When it is less than 100, there will be gaps above and below the pattern block, within the indicator.
- Applies to graph types which use a block-style legend symbol such as Column/Bar and Area plots, and the Line+Symbol and Line plots too.
Font Size
- The box will not take numbers larger than 100.
- You can use this control to adjust the factor of font size. When the font size set in the Text tab is 18, set this font size factor to 50, then the size of font shows to 9, but actual font size is still 18 (in the Text tab or in tooltip box).
Apply to
Apply customizations made in the legend object dialog box, to other legend objects. Note that some legend customizations, such as those made on the Text or Programming tabs, cannot be applied to other legend objects.
Apply only to the current layer. Note that the layer supports only a single legend object.
Apply to all in the window (page).
Apply to all in the current Project Explorer folder.
Apply to all in the current project file.