The (Text Object Properties) Frame tabTextOb-Prop-Frame-tab
Specify whether add a frame around the text. Three selections are available for this drop-down list: None, Box, Shadow and Marble.
This is select by default; meanwhile, Border Color control will be disabled.
When Box is selected, a box will be added as a frame around the text. You can change the Fill Color, Border Color, Border Width and Margin.
When Shadow is selected, a box and its shadow will be added around the text. You can change the Fill Color, Border Color, Border Width, Shadow Color, Shadow Width and Margin.
When Marble is selected, gray marble style will be used for on the text. You can change the Fill Color, Border Color, Border Width and Margin.
Fill Color
When Box, Shadow or Marble is selected in the Frame dropdown list, you can custom the fill color of the frame.
When Box is selected in the Frame dropdown list, you can custom the fill area transparency by moving the slider or entering an integer from 0 to 100 in the combination box. Note that 0 means the symbol is not transparent at all, and 100 means the symbol is fully transparent.
Note: You cannot control the transparency of legend object in OpenGL based graph at present.
Border Color and Width
When Box, Shadow or Marble is selected in the Frame dropdown list, you can custom the border color and width of the frame.
Shadow Color and Width
When Shadow is selected in the Frame dropdown list, you can custom the shadow color and width of the frame.
Margin(%Font Height)
When Box, Shadow or Marble is selected in the Frame dropdown list, you can custom margin of the frame.
You can use the text box next to Margin to specify four sides margin together, or specify Left, Right, Topand Bottom sides margin respectively
Apply to
You can apply the text object to Object, Plot, Grouped Plots, Layer and Window.