6.12 Import Filter ManagerIntro-ImportFilter-Manager
The Import Filters Manager, available in the Preferences menu, provides an overview of all import filters, including User-defined filters in the User Files\Filters folder. In this dialog, you can see filter names, categories, supported file types, and whether Origin supports drag-and-drop import for each file type. To modify filter settings with the iwfilter dialog, select a row and click Edit.

Import Filter Manager Dialog Box
The descriptions of the controls are given as follows:
Filter names.
Support Drag & Drop
Check to support Drag & Drop import mode.
File Extensions
Supported file types for the filter.
Filter location (category), system or user-defined filters.
Drag&Drop Exclusion
List the file types or files which don't support Drag&Drop.
Customize Menu
Open the Import Menu Customization dialog.
Open the iwfilter dialog to edit filters.
For detailed information about iwfilter, please read the iwfilter dialog box description below.
Apply the changes.
Cancel and close the dialog.
iwfilter Dialog Box
Use X-Function iwfilterto make or edit an import filter:
Filter Name
Show the name and path of the filter which is being edited. It is not editable.
X-Function Name
Specify the name of the X-Function for which the filter is used.
General Import Setting Group
File Name Filter
Specify supported file types for the filter using wildcards. For example, *.dat imports all files with a .dat extension.
Drag&Drop Exclusion
Specify file types that do not support drag-and-drop.
Filter Description
Describe the filter's usage or contents.
Page Type
Select the type of page to be imported to.
- Worksheet
- Import file into a worksheet.
- Matrix
- Import file into a matrix.
- None
- Import file into a worksheet or matrix, depending on the file structure.
Show Filter in File: Open List
Indicate whether to show filtered file extensions in the Files of type dropdown list when using the Open... dialog.
Open XF Dialog
Specify whether to open the X-Function dialog in the process of importing.
Labtalk Script after Import
The LabTalk script entered here is executed after importing. For example, you can enter plotxy iy:=(1,2) to plot a graph after importing a data file.
Special Import Setting Group
The contents of this group vary depending on the X-Function. Please refer to the Options treenode of the specific X-Function's Help document.
User Defined
The User Defined branch is available when you edit a user-defined import fileter. It has three options:
- Python Code: incl. a text box for adding or editing code
- Python File: for pointing to a .py file;
- Origin C: for specifying your Source File and Function Name.

For basic information on programming options in Origin, see the Programming in Origin chapter.
At the bottom of the panel are four buttons:
Open an existing filter and load all its settings.
Save As...
Save the filter with another name.
Save the filter with its current name.
This button is not available when you are editing a system filter.
Close the dialog box.