
Read and alter file path-realated settings of the project

LabTalk Object Type:


The dialog object is a sub-object of the system object. The dialog object properties allow you to read and alter Options dialog box opening and closing settings which are set in the OPTION.CNF file. These settings can also be accessed with in the Options dialog box.


Property Access Description
System.dialog.activePageNum Read/write

Set the active tab on the Options dialog box. 1 = File Locations, 2 = Axis, 3 = Graph, 4 = Text Fonts, 5 = Page, 6 = Miscellaneous, 7 = Excel, 8 = Open/Close, and 9 = Numeric Format.

System.dialog.closePrompt Read/write

Control the display of the "Save as Origin's startup options?" prompt after making changes and closing the Options dialog box. 1 = display prompt, 0 = do not display prompt.

System.dialog.saveOnClose Read/write

If the ClosePrompt property = 0, then this property is active. Automatically save settings in the Options dialog box to the OPTION.CNF file. 1 = enable, 0 = disable.

See Also:
