4.2 FLEXnet Server Setup for LinuxConcurrent-Linux
You have a Concurrent Network license if your serial number is:
xxxxx-2xxx-79xxxxx, or
If your serial number is:
xxxxx-9xxx-xxxxxxx, or
then you have a Node-Locked license and the information on this page is NOT relevant to you.
A Concurrent Network package entitles you to install or deploy Origin on any number of computers in your organization. Each of these computers must have a connection to a computer (workstation or server) on which you must install a FLEXnet server (provided by OriginLab) and set up a FLEXnet service for license management. If you are already using FLEXnet license management for another software vendor, then you can use this same computer to set up a service for managing your Origin, as long as the operating system is supported by OriginLab.
The FLEXnet service will restrict the number of Origins that can run at the same time, based on your purchased concurrent number. Thus, if you purchased a 25-user Concurrent Network package, no more than 25 computers can run Origin at the same time. Once an Origin is running, there is an option to "borrow" the Origin, such that it can be run for a specified maximum time detached from the FLEXnet server.
To set up a new FLEXnet server on Linux:
Select a stable computer to be your FLEXnet server
Choose a computer that is:
- Stable (does not require frequent reboots) and that has low network traffic.
- All potential Origin computers must have a connection to this computer. Communication between the FLEXnet license server and the Origin concurrent network members is by TCP/IP networking protocols.
- Minimum recommended system RAM is 64 MB.
OriginLab provides a FLEXnet license server (and vendor daemon only, if you already have a FLEXnet server) for the following operating systems:
OriginLab has tested it on AlmaLinux 9 as well as on Debian 12.
The FLEXnet license server OriginLab provides is a 32-bit application, and it can be installed on both 32-bit and 64-bit Linux operating systems.
 | To run on 64 bit Linux, you may need to install additional libraries to allow running 32-bit applications.
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux:
sudo dnf install glibc.i686
sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
sudo apt update
sudo apt install libgcc-s1:i386
Download the FLEXnet server
FLEXnet servers (includes the OriginLab vendor daemon)
The Linux FLEXnet server is version
OriginLab vendor daemon only
If you already have a FLEXnet server such as from a different software vendor, you can use that FLEXnet server to set up a service to manage your Origin. In this case you only need the OriginLab vendor daemon and license to set up your Origin service. However in this case of using a different software's FLEXnet server, you must consider the version compatibility requirements for FLEXnet components, as documented in the FLEXnet end user and administrator guides.
The Linux vendor daemon is version
Install the FLEXnet server for your selected computer
Unpack Linux_FLEXnet_Server_ver_11.19.6.0.zip using the following command:
unzip Linux_FLEXnet_Server_ver_11.19.6.0.zip
Obtain a license file for this computer, from the OriginLab website
- Have your Concurrent Network serial number and version available
- Find the FLEXnet server Host Name and Host ID
./lmutil lmhostid -hostname
returns the Host Name for the system.
For example, the Host Name is my-computer if you get the following output:
./lmutil lmhostid -hostname
lmhostid - Copyright (c) 1989-2015 Flexera Software LLC. All Rights Reserved.
The FlexNet Host ID of this machine is "HOSTNAME= my-computer"
./lmutil lmhostid
returns the host ID for the system.
For example, the host ID is 000c294dc666 if you get the following output:
./lmutil lmhostid
lmhostid - Copyright (c) 1989-2015 Flexera Software LLC. All Rights Reserved.
The FlexNet Host ID of this machine is ""000c294dc666 000c294dc667""
- Obtain the license file
- Go to www.originlab.com. Click the "License/Register Origin" link under the Support menu.
- Log in if you already have a web membership account or create an account as needed.
- After logging in, if your web membership account already has an Origin serial number(s) associated with it, you will see your "Origin Product Registration" page.
- If this is the first time you are registering and obtaining a license for this serial number and version, click the Register New Serial Number button.
- If you previously registered and obtained a license for this serial number and version (such as if you are moving your FLEXnet service to a different machine, and you completed the system transfer request), then select the check box next to your serial number and version and click the Get FLEXnet License button located below the table.
- Select the "I want to register my Origin software and obtain a license file for a computer" radio button and click Next.
- Enter your Origin serial number, version, etc. and click Continue.
- Enter the FLEXnet server Host Name and Host ID and click the Submit button to generate the license file.
- When successful, you will see the license file text on the web page. Copy the license file text from the web page and paste it into a text editor such as notepad.
- Save the license file text as .lic file, such as orglab.lic. Typically, the license file is saved to the FLEXnet server's \Licenses\ folder, but you can save to a different location if you prefer.
Set up and start the FLEXnet service
./lmgrd -c <path>orglab.lic -l [+]<path>orglabDebug.log
where orglab.lic is the license file you obtained from the OriginLab website.
For example, if your license file is located at /home/originlab/orglab.lic, then you would enter the following command to start the service, and to keep the previous contents of the debug log file and to append new debug information to the bottom of the log file:
./lmgrd -c /home/originlab/orglab.lic -l +/home/originlab/orglabdebug.log
Alternatively, you would use the following command to start the service, and to clear the previous contents of the debug log file. (The debug log file gets cleared when the command is issued.):
./lmgrd -c /home/originlab/orglab.lic -l /home/originlab/orglabdebug.log
Use the lmutil lmstat utility to confirm that the license server is working:
./lmutil lmstat -a -c <path>orglab.lic
Install or deploy Origin to the user's computers or a file server
The following documentation provides Origin deployment tips for both the Concurrent Network and the Multi-seat Node Locked packages.
See Also: