Starting from Origin 2019, dongles are cross-version.
You will receive a unique dongle from OriginLab or distributors. The Dongle ID is printed on the dongle.
You can then install Origin with the dongle Serial Number. Plug in the dongle to the USB port to use Origin.
Once complete, you can use this dongle for Origin installed with the same Serial Number on any other computers without reactivating the dongle.
Note that the dongle of latest version still allows you to use previous versions of Origin down to v2019. However, using Origin 2019(b) may deactivate the dongle for version 2020 or higher. So we always recommend staying with the new version. If you really need to use Origin 2019(b) and see a message asking for activation when returning to the new version later, please follow the above steps to reactivate it.
Registration is not required, but it will help the Support Team provide better support.
To register Origin, please
After your Maintenance renewal has been processed, complete the following steps to update your dongle.
Note: If you have a n-seat group dongle serial number, you will have n dongles. You will need to update each dongle as above after renew your Maintenance.