Performs low pass filtering of signal. The filtering is performed by using FFT functions.
int fft_lowpass( Curve & crvSignal, double dFc )
int fft_lowpass( vector & vecSignal, double dFc, vector * vecTime = NULL )
OE_NOERROR: success
positive: FFT error code
//Before compile this example, run the following LabTalk command in Command Window: // run.LoadOC("Originlab\fft_utils.c", 16); #include <fft_utils.h> void fft_lowpass_ex1() { double dFc = 6.5; vector vecX; vector vecY; vecX.Data(1.0,10.0,1.0); vecY.Normal(10); Curve crvSignal(vecX, vecY); int iRet = fft_lowpass(crvSignal, dFc); }
//Before compile this example, run the following LabTalk command in Command Window: // run.LoadOC("Originlab\fft_utils.c", 16); #include <fft_utils.h> void fft_lowpass_ex2() { double dFc = 6.5; vector vecX; vector vecY; vecX.Data(1.0,10.0,1.0); vecY.Normal(10); int iRet = fft_lowpass(vecY, dFc, &vecX); }