Rounding and Precision



Name Brief Example
ceil Calculates the double value corresponding to the smallest integer that is greater than or equal to x. Examples
floor Calculates the double value corresponding to the largest integer that is less than or equal to x. Examples
nint Return the closest int to the double argument. The arithmetic is same with c/c++, but not same with Excel. Examples
nint2 Return the closest int to the double argument. The arithmetic is same with Excel, but not same with c/c++. Examples
prec Calculates a double value which is equal to x up to nSignificantDigits significant digits Examples
round force given value to be nDecimalPlaces Examples
RoundBinningRange Similar to LabTalk limit -r command, to round a set of min, max and increment values Examples
RoundLimits Similar to LabTalk limit -r command, to round a set of min, max and increment values Examples