

Get the X coordinate associated with the rightmost column of the matrix.


double GetXMax( )const



Returns the X coordinate associated with the right most column of the matrix.



// Set and get the X coordinate of the last column of a matrix
void Matrix_GetXMax_ex1()
// This sample code will print a message like below:
//   Target matrix is Matrix1.
//   Setting X max value succeeded.
//   Obtained X max value is 1.23457e+008
//   Check X max value by Matrix:Set Dimensions menu command if it is 1.234570e+008.
    BOOL rc;
    double dXMax;
    matrix<double> mat1 = {
        {1,  2},
        {3,  4},
        {5,  6}

    MatrixPage MatPg1;
    MatrixLayer MatLy1 = MatPg1.Layers(0);
    Matrix Mat1(MatLy1);
    Mat1 = mat1;
    printf("  Target matrix is %s.\n",Mat1.GetName());

    rc=Mat1.SetXMax(123.4567E6);  // Use SetXMax to set the X coordinate of last column
    if(!rc) {
        printf("  Error: SetXMax failed.\n");
    else printf("  Setting X max value succeeded.\n");
    dXMax = Mat1.GetXMax();   // Use GetXMax to get the X coordinate of last column
    printf("  Obtained X max value is %g\n", dXMax); // Print out coordinate
    printf("  Check X max value by Matrix:Set Dimensions menu command if it is %e.\n",dXMax);


In addition to the values displayed in the cells of an internal Origin matrix (nominally Z values), Origin matrices map X coordinate values to the columns and Y coordinate values to the rows of the matrix. The GetXMax function gets the X coordinate associated with the right most column of the matrix.

See Also

Matrix::GetXMin, Matrix::GetYMin, Matrix::GetYMax, Matrix::SetXMin, Matrix::SetYMin, Matrix::SetXMax, Matrix::SetYMax, Matrix::GetXValue, Matrix::GetYValue

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