Reads the value of a key in a given section into a string.
string ReadString( LPCSTR lpcszSection, LPCSTR lpcszKey, LPCSTR lpcszDefault = NULL )
the value of a key in a given section in the form of a string
void INIFile_ReadString_ex1() { // reads and prints all the key values in all sections string str; INIFile ini("Origin.ini"); StringArray saSections, saKeys; ini.GetSectionNames(saSections); for( int iSection = 0; iSection < saSections.GetSize(); iSection++ ) { printf("%s\n", saSections[iSection]); ini.GetKeyNames(saKeys, saSections[iSection]); for( int iKey = 0; iKey < saKeys.GetSize(); iKey++ ) { str = ini.ReadString(saSections[iSection], saKeys[iKey]); printf(" %s = %s\n", saKeys[iKey], str); } } }