Hypothesis Testing


Name Brief Example
ocmath_chi_square_test Function to perform a Chi-Square Test for equal variance. Examples
ocmath_confidence_levels_for_mean Function to compute confidece levels for a mean. Examples
ocmath_confidence_levels_for_variance Function to compute confidence levels for a variance. Examples
ocmath_f_test Function to perform a F Test for equal variance. Examples
ocmath_t_test_one_sample Function to perform a One Sample t-Test with samples's mean and SD. get probability of the value of the t-test, Degrees of freedom of the t-test(if pDOF != NULL) and Value of the t-test(if pTValue != NULL). Examples
ocmath_one_sample_t_test Function to perform a One Sample t-Test. Examples
ocmath_row_ttest2 Function to perform two-sample t-test for each row. Examples
ocmath_two_sample_confidence_levels_for_mean_pair Function to compute confidece levels for the mean of pData1 minus the mean of pData2, assuming equal variance. Examples
ocmath_two_sample_t_test Function to perform a Unpair Two Sample t-Test for equal variance, assuming equal variance Examples
ocmath_two_sample_t_test_pair Function to perform a Pair Two Sample t-Test for equal variance, assuming equal variance Examples
ocmath_two_sample_tTest_powers Function to compute actual or hypothetical powers for a two sample t-Test. Examples
ocmath_two_sample_tTest_powers_pair Function to compute actual or hypothetical powers for a paired t-Test. Examples