Options to Activate/Hide/Maxmize/Minimize



Syntax: window -a winName

Set winName as the active window.
This option also has the effect of a Windows Restore if the active window is maximized or minimized.

repeat 5 {newbook;}; // Create 5 new workbooks.
window -a book3; // activate Book3 window

This example produces two graphs tiled horizontally while all other windows made iconized.

newbook;wks.nCols=3; //new wkbook with 3 cols
col(3)=col(1)+col(2);// fill some data

range aa = (1,2);    // define XYRange
range bb = (1,3);
string strG1$, strG2$; // local string to receive new plot names

plotxy aa ogl:=[<new>];strG1$=%H;
plotxy bb ogl:=[<new>];strG2$=%H;

doc -e o {win -i}; // iconized all windows
win -a %(strG1$);  // opens the two graphs
win -a %(strG2$);

win -s tv;         //and tile vertically


Syntax: window -af [n] [millisecond]

Flash active window n times with millisecond timeout.

  • If neither n nor millisecond is specified, active window flashes 4 times by default, with timeout set by system variable @AWF. No flashing if @AWF = 0.
  • If n is specified but no millisecond, use 200ms timeout by default.
  • If n is a negative integer and no millisecond is specified, timeout folows system variable @AWF. No flashing if @AWF = 0.
win -af;//flash 4 times, use timeout set by @AWF, if @AWF = 0, no flashing
win -af 5;//flash 5 times, use 200ms timeout
win -af 5 300;//flash 5 times, use 300ms timeout
win -af -5;//flash 5 times, follow @AWF for timeout, if AWF=0 no flashing

-an; Activate the winName notes window=

Syntax: window -an winName

Activate (restore) the winName notes window.

//to pop up the embedded Notes window.
win -an %@G;


Syntax: window -b winName

Open or set as active, the specified window.
This command option is obsolete. Use the GetNamedWin macro instead.
This example finds the first window in the Window menu window list that begins with graph and sets it as the active window. If no window is found, it creates a Graph1 window.

win -b graph;


Syntax: window -ch n

Hide the active window (window's Project Explorer view mode changes).

  • n = 1, hide the active window
  • n = 0, show the active window.

For example, if the window was in Normal view, it changes to Hidden view (Project Explorer View column) when n = 1. See also, win -h.

newbook name:=Test option:=lsname; // Create a new workbook named "Test", it is
                                   //activated automatically after created.
window -ch 1; // Hide workbook Test.
window -a Test; // Restore it.


Syntax: window win -h n

Hide the active window (window's Project Explorer view mode is not changed).

  • n = 1, hide the active window
  • n = 0, show the active window.

The window's Project Explorer view mode remains set to its current view (for example, Normal or Maximized), but it does not display. See also, win -ch.


Syntax: window win -hc n [windowName]

Hide the active or named window and change the view mode. This is the same as win -ch, but supports the windowName option.

// Hide Book2, even if it is not the active window:
win -hc 1 Book2;

// Functions just like 'win -ch 1' would:
win -hc 1;


Syntax: window win -hn n NotesWindowName

Hide or show a notes window, where

  • n = 1; Hide the Notes window
  • n = 0; Show the hidden Notes window


Syntax: window -i

Minimize the active window.


Syntax: window -ia

Minimize the active window and force activation of the previously active window.


Syntax: window -in winName

Minimize the winName notes window.


Syntax: window -z

Maximize the active window.


Syntax: window -zn winName

Maximize the winName Notes window.