Options for DataPlots



Syntax: set name -a

Set the plot to the animate mode to be used for animation. The data plot automatically removes its own trace when redrawn without generating an update message so that the effect is fully visualized.


Syntax: set name -an value

Turn ON (value=1) or OFF(=0) the animate mode.


Set %C -an 1

Also, see REDRAW_REALTIME_SCOPE and REDRAW_REALTIME_WKS parameters of Update or Append function for Dataset or curvebase.


Syntax: set name -ay value

Set the plot to base on the specified Y axis within one layer:
Left Y (value=1) or Right Y(value=2), associated to the Plot Data on option in Display tab of Plot Details dialog.


set %c -ay 2; //set current plot to base on right Y.


Syntax: set name -b3c dataset

Set the color map of surface plot to be from another matrix, and use the dataset to specify the values for contour fill


//Set colormap of active surface plot to be from range rr
range rr=[MBook1]MSheet1!1;
set %C -b3c rr;


Syntax: set %c -b3t type

Set the fill mode of the 3D surface plot.

1=Fill piece by piece
2=Contour fill from matrix


Syntax: set %c -b3cc value

When the fill mode is Fill piece by piece, we can set individual color as 3D surface plot color fill. E.g.., 1 = black, 2 = red, 3 = green, 4 = blue, etc. See the color list in the appendix.


Syntax: set %c -b3cm dataset

When the fill mode is Fill piece by piece, we can set matrix as 3D surface plot color map.


//Set colormap of active surface plot to be from range rr
range rr=[MBook1]MSheet1!1;
set %c -b3cm rr;


Syntax: set %c -b3cn dataset

When the fill mode is Fill piece by piece, we can set matrix as 3D surface plot color index.


//Set colormap of active surface plot to be from range rr
range rr=[MBook1]MSheet1!1;
set %c -b3cn rr;


Syntax: set %c -b3cr dataset

When the fill mode is Fill piece by piece, we can set matrix as 3D surface plot color with direct RGB. Use color(R,G,B) to return the integer value of RGB color.


range rr=[MBook1]MSheet1!1;
set %c -b3cr rr;


Syntax: set %c -b3m value

Enable or disable Mesh display on 3D surface plots.

1=X axis
2=Y axis
3=X and Y axes

Note: X and Y grids cannot be individually controlled for 3D parametric function plots. Mesh is either None (=0) or enabled (=1,2,3).


Syntax: set name -c value

Set the plot line color and symbol edge color following the color palette. E.g.., 1 = black, 2 = red, 3 = green, 4 = blue, etc. See the color list in the appendix. Alternately, value can be the return value of the color() function, when used with RGB or HTML hex values (see the color() function).

To map the symbol edge or line color to a dataset, use ...

set DatasetName -c value;

... where value = 101 + number-of-columns-to-the-right for color index dataset located on the right side of data or value = 524389 + number-of-columns-to-the-left for color index dataset located on the left side of data. For example, to base the symbol edge color on a dataset located two columns to the right of the data plot's Y dataset in the worksheet, use value = 103 (Note: There is a limit of four columns to the right).

set %c -c 2; // set color to red by index
set %c -c color("#ff0000"); // set color to red by HTML hex value
set %c -c color(255,0,0); // set color to red by RGB value
set %c -c 102; // set the next column to the right as a color indexing column
set %c -c 524390; // set the next column to the left as a color indexing column

To set one data point color of the plot, use...

set DatasetName DataPointIndex -c value;

For example, you can set the second data point color by:

//Fill Column(A) and Column(B) with data
plotxy (1,2) plot:=201;//Plot a scatter line plot
set %C 2 -c 3;


Syntax: set name -cf value

Set the fill color (for fill area graphs) following the color palette. E.g.., 1 = black, 2 = red, 3 = green, 4 = blue, etc. See the color list in the appendix.


Syntax: set name -ci value

Set the plot line color and symbol edge color to Increment. Use value to specify the index of the starting color in the color list.

Prior to Origin 2019, symbol color was set to Auto and followed line color. Beginning with Origin 2019, -ci will set both line and symbol edge color to the same starting index color in the color list. Use the -cu and -cus flags to set respective line and symbol edge colors.


Syntax: set name -cl value

Set the plot line color following the color palette. If the data plot includes lines and symbols, this command will also control the symbol edge color. E.g.., 1 = black, 2 = red, 3 = green, 4 = blue, etc. See the color list in the appendix. -cmn Set the color for level n in a color mapped data plot following the color palette. E.g.., 1 = black, 2 = red, 3 = green, 4 = blue, etc. See the color list in the appendix.


Syntax: set name -cli value

Set the plot line color to be Increment, and use the value to specify the color index of the starting color.


Syntax: set name -clm dataset

Set the plot line color to be Colormap, and use the dataset to specify the values for colormap.


Syntax: set name -cln dataset

Set the plot line color and symbol edge color to be Indexing, and use the dataset to specify the values for color indices.


Syntax: set name -cm dataset

Set the plot line color and symbol edge color to be Colormap, and use the dataset to specify the values for colormap.


Syntax: set name -cmc value

Fill to Contour (value=1) or Fill to Grid Lines (=0).

Controls whether color is filled to contour lines or to grid lines on a matrix-derived contour plot. This gives script access to the Fill to Contour Lines or Fill to Grid Lines radio buttons on the Plot Details Colormap/Contours tab.


Syntax: set name -cmd value

Show Data Points (value=1) or do not Show Data Points (=0).

Display location of XY coordinates on the XYZ contour plot. This gives script access to the Show Data Points check box on the Plot Details Colormap/Contours tab.


Syntax: set name -cmf value

Enable Color Fill (value=1) or disable Color Fill (=0).

Controls use of Color Fill on contour plots. This gives script access to the Color Fill check box on the Plot Details Colormap/Contours tab.


Syntax: set name -cmg value

Show Grid Lines (value=1) or do not Show Grid Lines (=0).

Display the triangulation lines used to generate contours. This gives script access to the Show Grid Lines check box on the Plot Details Colormap/Contours tab.


Syntax: set name -cn dataset

Set the plot line color and symbol edge color to be Indexing, and use the dataset to specify the values for color indices.


Syntax: set name -clr dataset

Set the plot line color to be RGB, and use the dataset to specify the RGB values.


Syntax: set name -cpal colorPalette

Set the color palette of a data plot, data matrix, or 8bit image matrix such as contour plot, surface plot, matrix thumbnail, etc. The colorPalette is the name of the color palette file used (without .pal extension), for example:

set %C -cpal mars;  // set the color palette named mars to the current data plot


Syntax: set name -cr dataset

Set the plot line color and symbol edge color to be RGB, and use the dataset to specify the RGB values.


Syntax: set name -cse value

Set the plot symbol edge color following the color palette. If the data plot includes lines and symbols, this command will break the link (Automatic setting) between the symbol edge color and the line color. E.g.., 1 = black, 2 = red, 3 = green, 4 = blue, etc. See the color list in the appendix. To map the symbol edge or color to a dataset, set value should be "101 + number-of-columns-to-the-right" or "524389 + number-of-columns-to-the-left".


Syntax: set name -csei value

Set the symbol edge color to be Increment, and use the value to specify the color index of the starting color.


Syntax: set name -csem dataset

Set the symbol edge color to be Colormap, and use the dataset to specify the values for colormap.


Syntax: set name -cn dataset

Set the symbol edge color to be Indexing, and use the dataset to specify the values for color indices.


Syntax: set name -cser dataset

Set the symbol edge color to be RGB, and use the dataset to specify the RGB values.


Syntax: set name -cset value

Set the plot symbol edge color pattern, eg. 0 = indexing, 1 = direct RGB, 2 = colormapping. This command should be run after -cse if you want to set the plot be colormapped.


Syntax: set name -csf color

Set the plot symbol fill color following the color palette. E.g.., 1 = black, 2 = red, 3 = green, 4 = blue, etc. See the color list in the appendix.


Syntax: set name -csfi value

Set the symbol fill color to be Increment, and use the value to specify the color index of the starting color.


Syntax: set name -csfm dataset

Set the symbol fill color to be Colormap, and use the dataset to specify the values for colormap.


Syntax: set name -cn dataset

Set the symbol fill color to be Indexing, and use the dataset to specify the values for color indices.

Minimum Origin Version Required: 8.6


Syntax: set name -csfr dataset

Set the symbol fill color to be RGB, and use the dataset to specify the RGB values.


Syntax: set name -cu dataset

When the plot line color is set to Increment, and Use Increment List is enabled, use dataset to specify the color indices from the color list.


Syntax: set name -cue value

Enable or disable custom colors in data plots. When disabled, you are limited to using the original LabTalk list of colors: 1 = enable, 0 = disable.


Syntax: set name -cuf dataset

When the pattern fill color is set to Increment, and Use Increment List is enabled, use dataset to specify the color indices from the color list.


Syntax: set name -cus dataset

When the symbol edge color is set to Increment, and Use Increment List is enabled, use dataset to specify the color indices from the color list.


Syntax: set name -cusf dataset

When the symbol fill color is set to Increment, and Use Increment List is enabled, use dataset to specify the color indices from the color list.


Syntax: set -czn

Set the Z level for level n in a color mapped data plot.


Syntax: set -gtl

Set the gap between leader line and data point (edge of symbol). Units are percent of layer dimensions.

set %C -gtl 0;


Syntax: set -gtt

Set the gap between leader line and label (text frame). Units are percent of layer dimensions.

set %C -gtt 0;


Syntax: set name -lczm value

When making XYZ Contour/Surface plot, you can choose to skip missing values in Z by using this command. 1 = Enable skipping missing values in Z, 0 (default) = Do not ignore Z missing values.


Syntax: set name -lgcb value

Set colormap for 3D waterfall. 0=Y color mapping; 3=Z color mapping.

//Y color mapping
plotxy iy:=(1,2:4) plot:=210 ogl:=<new template:=glWater3D>;
set %C -LGCB 0;  
//Z color mapping
plotxy iy:=(1,2:4) plot:=210 ogl:=<new template:=glWater3D>;
set %C -LGCB 3;


Syntax: set name -md value

Plot level override of global and page mask (see page.mask).

set %C -md 0; // hide masked data of the current active plot
set %C -md 1; // show masked data of the current active plot
set %C -md 2; // use global setting to show/hide masked data of the current active plot


Syntax: set name -pc startIndex increment

Started from the startIndex column and plot every increment columns in the source worksheet. Others are skipped. If a negative increment is specified, Origin will span the whole group and evenly pick the total number of -increment plots to show.

set %c -pc 2 3; //start from col(2), every 3rd col is plotted.
set %c -pc 2 -10; //start from col(2), span the whole data and pick 10 columns to plot.


Syntax: set name -pgpa startAzimuth

Set the rotation starting azimuth (deg) for 2D and 3D pie and doughnut charts.


Syntax: set name -pgpd state

Set the enable doughnut state. Disable = 0, enable = 1.


Syntax: set name -pgpdh holeSize

Set the doughnut hole size (% of radius).


Syntax: set name -pgpho horizOffset

Set the pie or doughnut horizontal offset (% of layer frame)


Syntax: set name -pgpva viewAngle

Set the 3D pie view angle (deg)


Syntax: set name index -r

Delete special points identified by index, where index = 0 (all) or index number of special point.

set %C 0 -r; //delete all special points in dataset %C
set %C 1 -r;  //delete special point at index 1 in dataset %C
set %C 20 -r;  //delete special point at index 20 in dataset %C

Note: This command does not delete the data point. It only removes special display properties that have been applied to it.


Syntax: set name -so value

Access the original plot for 3D scatter or trajectory plots.

Options in Option Switch table can be applied to the -so in this way:

set %C -so -k 1;  //set cubic as the dataplot shape
set %C -so -c 2;  //set red as the dataplot color
set %C -so -lv 1;  //show drop lines on Y direction


Syntax: set name -spi value;

This command only works for 3D openGL-based surface plots created from XYZ data. It is used to specify an index column to create a triangular-shaped patch. The indices in the index column refer to the nth data point in the XYZ columns. Three indices create one triangular face by connecting the three data points. Hence the size of the index column must be a number that is divisible by three.

The name should be the name of data plot and value should be an integer that specifies the column, where 2 denotes the next column, 1 denotes the main column(Z column), 0 means NONE.

Note: When an index column is used to create a triangular patch, contour lines and mesh lines in the surface plot will be disabled.


Syntax: set name -sx value

Set the x offset for grouped plots when the X individual offset is enabled. For example:

set %C -sx 10;


Syntax: set name -sx value

Access the YZ projection for 3D scatter or trajectory plots.

Options in Option Switch table can be applied to the -sx in this way:

set %C -sx -k 1;  //set cubic as the dataplot shape
set %C -sx -c 2;  //set red as the dataplot color
set %C -sx -lv 1;  //show drop lines on Y direction


Syntax: set name -sxs value

Set the scaling factor of X value after stacking for a data plot. For example,

set %c -sxs 10;  //scale the active plot's X value 10 times greater after taking the stack offset.


Syntax: set name -sy value

Set the y offset for grouped plots when the Y individual offset is enabled. For example:

set %C -sy 20;


Syntax: set name -sy value

Access the XZ projection for 3D scatter or trajectory plots.

Options in Option Switch table can be applied to the -sy in this way:

set %C -sy -k 1;  //set cubic as the dataplot shape
set %C -sy -c 2;  //set red as the dataplot color
set %C -sy -lv 1;  //show drop lines on Y direction


Syntax: set name -sys value

Set the scaling factor of Y value after stacking for a data plot. For example,

set %c -sys 10;  //scale the active plot's Y value 10 times greater after taking the stack offset.


Syntax: set name -sz value

Access the XY projection for 3D scatter or trajectory plots.

Options in Option Switch table can be applied to the -sz in this way:

set %C -sz -k 1;  //set cubic as the dataplot shape
set %C -sz -c 2;  //set red as the dataplot color
set %C -sz -lv 1;  //show drop lines on Y direction