Options for Bar and Column Plots



Syntax: set name -paap value

Set bar or column pattern's Transparency for Fill Only: 1 = Apply the transparency settings to the pattern Fill only, 0 = Apply transparency to both pattern Fill and Border.


Syntax: set name -pbc color#

Set plot bar or column border color. For data plots with bars or columns, set the border color of the bar or column: Follows the color palette: 1 = black, 2 = red, 3 = green, 4 = blue, etc.


Syntax: set name -pbci color#

Set bar or column border color as Increment. The starting color index is defined by the variable color#. The value of the color index follows the default increment list: 1 = black, 2 = red, 3 = green, 4 = blue, etc.


Syntax: set name -pbcm dataset

Set bar or column border color as Colormap The dataset variable specifies the source dataset for the color map.


Syntax: set name -pbcn dataset

Set bar or column border color as Indexing. The dataset variable specifies the source dataset for color indexing.


Syntax: set name -pbcr dataset

Set bar or column border color as RGB. The dataset variable specifies the source dataset for RGB values.


Syntax: set name -pbs style#

Set plot bar or column border line style. For data plots with bars or columns, set the border line style of the bar or column: 0 = solid, 1 = dash, etc. as in the line style list.


Syntax: set name -pbw width

Set plot bar or column border line width. For data plots with bars or columns, set the border line width of the bar or column.


Syntax: set name -pfb color#

Set bar or column fill color following the default color palette: 1 = black, 2 = red, 3 = green, 4 = blue, etc. For example:

//Fill  column(A) and column(B) with data
plotxy (1,2) plot:=203; // Plot a column plot
set %C -pfb 3; //Set the column fill color

To set color in a graph containing multiple patterns, you can specify the pattern option by its index. For example:

//plot two lines that intersect with each other before executing code
set %c -pf 1; //Turn the fill area option on 
set %C -pfv 9; //Set the the Fill Area Under Curve to "Fill to next data plot –Above Below Colors"
set %C -pfb 3; //Set the color of "Pattern Above"
set %C -p2fb 4; //Set the color of "Pattern Below"


Syntax: set name -pfbi color#

Set bar or column fill color as Increment. The starting color index is defined by the variable color#. The value of the color index follows the default increment list: 1 = black, 2 = red, 3 = green, 4 = blue, etc.


Syntax: set name -pfbm dataset

Set bar or column fill color as Colormap. The dataset variable specifies the source dataset for the color map.


Syntax: set name -pfbn dataset

Set bar or column fill color as Indexing. The dataset variable specifies the source dataset for color indexing.


Syntax: set name -pfbr dataset

Set bar or column fill color as RGB. The dataset variable specifies the source dataset for RGB values.


Syntax: set name -pfc color#

Set plot bar or column foreground pattern color. For data plots with bars or columns, set the foreground pattern color of the bar or column following the color palette: 1 = black, 2 = red, 3 = green, 4 = blue, etc.


Syntax: set name -pfci color#

Set bar or column pattern color as Increment. The starting color index is defined by the variable color#. The value of the color index follows the default increment list: 1 = black, 2 = red, 3 = green, 4 = blue, etc.


Syntax: set name -pfcm dataset

Set bar or column pattern color as Colormap. The dataset variable specifies the source dataset for the color map.


Syntax: set name -pfcn dataset

Set bar or column pattern color as Indexing. The dataset variable specifies the source dataset for color indexing.


Syntax: set name -pfcr dataset

Set bar or column pattern color as RGB. The dataset variable specifies the source dataset for RGB values.


Syntax: set name -pff color#

Set bar or column gradient fill color . For data plots with bars or columns, set the gradient fill color of the bar or column following the color palette: 1 = black, 2 = red, 3 = green, 4 = blue, etc.


Syntax: set name -pffi color#

Set bar or column gradient fill color as Increment. The starting color index is defined by the variable color#. The value of the color index follows the default increment list: 1 = black, 2 = red, 3 = green, 4 = blue, etc.


Syntax: set name -pffm dataset

Set bar or column gradient fill color as Colormap. The dataset variable specifies the source dataset for color map.


Syntax: set name -pffn dataset

Set bar or column gradient fill color as Indexing. The dataset variable specifies the source dataset for color indexing.


Syntax: set name -pffr dataset

Set bar or column gradient fill color as RGB. The dataset variable specifies the source dataset for RGB values.


Syntax: set name -pfm value

Control the mode of gradient fill, 1 = None, 2 = One Color, and 3 = Two Colors.


Syntax: set name -pfp fillPattern#;

Set plot bar or column fill pattern. For data plots with bars or columns, set the fill pattern of the bar or column following the pattern drop-down list: 0 = none, 1 = dense, 2 = medium, etc.

// Fill column(A) and column(B) with data
plotxy (1,2) plot:=203; // Plot a column plot
set %C -pfb -4; //Set the color of column to none in order to show the pattern more clear
set %C -pfp 5; //Set the column fill pattern

If you want to set the fill pattern for a multiple patterns plot, you can specify the pattern in option by its index. For example:

//plot two lines that intersect with each other before executing code
set %c -pf 1; 
set %C -pfv 9;
set %C -pfb -4; //Set the color of “Pattern Above” to none in order to show the pattern more clear
set %C -pfp 5; //Set the pattern of “Pattern Above”
set %C -p2fp 6; //Set the pattern of “Pattern Below”


Syntax: set name -pfpd fillPattern#;

Set bar or column fill pattern as Indexing. The dataset variable specifies the source dataset for fill pattern indexing.


Syntax: set name -pfpi fillPattern#;

Set bar or column fill pattern as Increment. The starting pattern index is defined by the fillPattern#. The value of the pattern index follows the default pattern drop-down list: 0 = none, 1 = dense, 2 = medium, etc.


Syntax: set name -pfpn patternfilename

Set bar or column fill pattern by specified pattern file. Please note that you should specify the pattern by its file name without suffix. For example:

set %c -pfpn "668 Salt";


Syntax: set name -pfw width;

Set plot bar or column fill pattern line width. For data plots with bars or columns, set the fill pattern line width, with 500 = 1 point.


Syntax: set name -vg percentGap

Set the bar and column plot gap.


Syntax: set name -vox percentWidth

Set the X direction bar width for 3D bars (XYY, XYZ), in percentage.


Syntax: Syntax: set name -voy percentWidth

Set the Y direction (3D XYY) or Z direction (3D XYZ) bar width, in percentage.


Syntax: set name -vw borderWidth

Set the bar and column plot border width (in points).