
LabTalk Object Type:


The grid object is a sub-object of the (layer) axis object. It is also a window object. And axis is a sub-object of layer object. You can use range notation to define a layer object:

range layerObject = [pageName]layerName!

And then access the axis object by:

Where Axis is the axis specification: X is the bottom X axis, X2 is the top X axis, Y is the left Y axis, Y2 is the right Y axis, Z is the front Z axis, Z2 is the back Z axis, Zh is the ZhX axis, Zh2 is the back ZhY axis, and Zh3 is the back ZhZ axis.

Or use the following syntax:

[winName!]layer[n] =


WinName! is optional. If winName! is not specified, grids in the active graph window are affected.

N is the layer number. If n is not specified, the active layer is used.

Axis is the axis specification: X is the bottom X axis, X2 is the top X axis, Y is the left Y axis, Y2 is the right Y axis, Z is the front Z axis, Z2 is the back Z axis, Zh is the ZhX axis, Zh2 is the back ZhY axis, and Zh3 is the back ZhZ axis.


Property Access Description
layer.axis.grid.majorColor Read/write,

Major grid line color. Numbers from the color list, or transparent (0). The color( ) function can be used, as in: .majorcolor = color(blue)

layer.axis.grid.majorType Read/write,

Major grid line type number: 1 = solid, 2 = dash, 3 = dot, etc., from the Line Type drop down list.

layer.axis.grid.majorWidth Read/write,

Width of the major grid lines in points.

layer.axis.grid.minorColor Read/write,

Minor grid line color. Numbers from the color list, or transparent (0). The color( ) function can be used, as in: .minorcolor = color(blue)

layer.axis.grid.minorType Read/write,

Minor grid line type number: 1 = solid, 2 = dash, 3 = dot, etc., from the Line Type drop down list.

layer.axis.grid.minorWidth Read/write,

Width of the minor grid lines in points.


This (Script window) script types to the Script window the width of the major grid lines of the X axis of layer 3 of the active window.

Layer3.x.grid.majorwidth =

The next script sets the color of the minor grid lines of the Y axis in the first layer of the Graph3 window to be purple.

Graph3!layer1.y.grid.minorcolor = color(purple);