Comare the contents of two files. This function does a byte by byte binary compare
int file_compare( LPCSTR lpcszFilename1, LPCSTR lpcszFilename2, uint * pnDiff1stbyte = NULL )
0 if two files match in contents
1 if two files are different
2 if two files are different and pnDiff1stbyte is not NULL but the 1st byte difference is beyond UINT for really large files
-1 if error
// This is a self contained sample program for the function file_compare, // To run the program, enter the following command in the Script window: // file_compare_ex1 // When it runs, it will print the following message: // Line+Symbol is NOT the Origin default graph type. // To make so, first make a backup copy in Origin.otp at E:\Origin\OriginE80Alpha\, // then copy Linesymb.otp to Origin.otp. // void file_compare_ex1() { // %a=system.path.program$ string strPath = GetAppPath(TRUE); string strLinesymbOTP = strPath + "Linesymb.otp"; string strOriginOTP = strPath + "Origin.otp"; int rc = file_compare(strLinesymbOTP, strOriginOTP); if(rc == 0) printf("Line+Symbol is your Origin default graph type.\n"); else if(rc == 1) printf("Line+Symbol is NOT the Origin default graph type.\n To make so, first make a backup copy in Origin.otp at %s,\n then copy Linesymb.otp to Origin.otp.\n",strPath); else printf("Error! file_compare failed.\n"); }