Get all sections name of the file
int okutil_get_file_sections( LPCSTR lpcszFilename, StringArray * pvsSectionNames )
the number of sections
void Okutil_get_file_sections() { string strFile = "C:\junk.txt"; // Write a section with comments into file, int nn = okutil_write_file_section(strFile,"SQL","select * from files","select any from file"); nn = okutil_write_file_section(strFile,"MySQL","select name from files","select name from file"); string strSec, strComments; okutil_read_file_section(strFile, "SQL", &strSec, &strComments); vector<string> vsSecNames; okutil_get_file_sections(strFile, &vsSecNames); }
okutil_write_file_section, okutil_read_file_section