The MatrixObject class provides methods and properties common to internal Origin matrix objects. An Origin C MatrixObject is primarily used for style related control of the data in the internal Origin matrix while the Origin C Matrix class is used to access the data in the matrix. Thus, the MatrixObject class has the same relationship with the Matrix class as the Column class has with the Dataset class. That is, an internal Origin matrix object (accessed by the MatrixObject class) holds a matrix data set (accessed by the Matrix class) just as a worksheet column (accessed by the Column class) holds a data set (accessed by the Dataset class).
The data values displayed in the cells of a matrix are typically referred to as Z values whose associated X values are linearly mapped to the columns of the matrix and whose associated Y values are linearly mapped to the rows of the matrix. A MatrixLayer holds a collection of MatrixObjects even though in most cases there is only one MatrixObject per MatrixLayer.
An Origin C MatrixObject is a wrapper object that is a reference to an internal Origin matrix object. Wrapper objects do not actually exist in Origin and merely refer to the internal Origin object. Consequently, multiple Origin C wrapper objects can refer to the same internal Origin object.
The MatrixObject class is derived from the DataObject, DataObjectBase, and OriginObject classes from which it inherits methods and properties.